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SMRT Journey Planner. From. To. Route option. Fastest select. or Select Recent Journey select
To find the best way to get to your destination through calculating fares and travel times, use LTA’s journey planner. Download the MyTransport app (iOS | Android) for handy information on train operating times, station exits, public bus services and bus arrival times.
NAVITIME Transit for Journey plannner / Transit maps in Singapore, can be used for trains (railway), MRT, LRT, subways (metro), buses and ferries. Cities, Singapore. You can confirm access information (directions/travel time/route information, etc.) for your destination.
Calculate the total fare cost of your public transport journey around Singapore for public buses and MRT/LRT trains when using fare cards.
Calculate the exact fare for your public transport journey with the SimplyGo Travel Guide. It provides bus and train routes to get to your destination and an estimation of the journey time. Download the SimplyGo app on Play or App store and use the journey planner feature to plan your travel route!
From 23 Dec 2023, card fares are raised by 4-5 cents (students, seniors, persons with disabilities, and workfare concession holders) to 10-11 cents (adults) per journey for stored value and concession card holders.
Public Transport | SMRT. Getting Around. For the latest information on travelling around our network, such as our accessibility features, fares and claims, and getting around Singapore if you’re visiting us from abroad. FIND OUT MORE. Train Information.
Transform Singapore's transit network with Stellar Lifestyle! As the largest managing agent of transit spaces, we create vibrant experiences. Partner with us to connect your retail concept with millions of commuters.
The official SimplyGo website for transit ticketing and travel card-related services, like Concession cards, EZ-Link Motoring and EZ-Link Wallet in Singapore.
Bus and train (MRT and/or LRT) fares in Singapore are charged according to the total distance travelled in a journey and this is known as the Distance Fares system. It lets you make transfers without paying a charge each time you board a bus or train during a journey.