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  1. Sep 30, 2016 · Learn what true love is and what it is not, according to psychological research. Find out how to create a truly loving relationship by avoiding fantasy bonds and practicing openness, honesty, respect, and affection.

    • You care about this person unconditionally. A tell-tale sign that you’ve found true love is that you absolutely and undeniably adore your partner with no strings attached.
    • You fully accept your partner. An additional indicator of true love is that you understand and accept your partner for the person who he or she truly is.
    • You can talk about anything. When you’ve found true love, it means that you can candidly and honestly discuss anything with this person. True love implies that you’re completely truthful with your mate, aren’t holding back different aspects of your past and are able to fully open up to him or her.
    • You’re completely yourself with this person. When you’ve found true love, you’re able to be totally authentic with your partner. You’re not pretending to be someone you’re not, feigning interests, passions or pastimes and/or acting in a way that doesn’t reflect the real you.
  2. Sep 7, 2023 · How to distinguish genuine feelings from infatuation in a relationship. Learn the warning signs of infatuation and the characteristics of genuine love based on mutual respect, support, and communication.

  3. Jan 31, 2024 · To learn how to identify true love, it's important to understand the characteristics of it. A key component of true love is an unwavering sense of mutually feeling respected and valued. Speaking poorly of each other and breaking the agreed-upon boundaries of the relationship exist as the antithesis of these traits.

    • You feel a deep sense of empathy. When you’re in love, truly in love, you’ll find yourself deeply empathizing with your partner. Their happiness becomes your happiness and their pain, your pain.
    • You accept them for who they are. True love comes with seeing all the flaws and imperfections in a person and accepting them wholeheartedly. If you’ve found yourself not just tolerating, but embracing your partner’s quirks and flaws, you’re experiencing a level of acceptance that’s indicative of true love.
    • There’s a sense of calm in your relationship. Often, we associate love with intense emotions and heart palpitations. However, when you’ve found true love, there’s a sense of calm and peace that prevails.
    • Your happiness increases when you’re together. This isn’t about relying on your partner for your happiness, but rather, noticing a significant increase in your joy when you’re with them.
  4. Sep 3, 2024 · True love is a deep, genuine, and lasting connection that involves respect, trust, empathy, and commitment. Learn the characteristics of true love, the difference between infatuation and true love, and how to grow your relationship with therapy.

  5. True love, at its core, is unconditional. It’s a profound, deep-seated respect and care for another person that endures through thick and thin. But let’s get one thing straight: true love isn’t perfect.

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