Search results
"content": """You are an expert human annotator working for the search engine ##Context##Each webpage that matches a Bing search query has three pieces of information displayed on the result page: the url, the title and the snippet. The snippet usually contains one or two sentences, capturing the main idea of the webpage and encouraging users to visit the link. Your task is to create
About US - 倍可亲. 立足北美,为海外华人量身定制的资讯、娱乐网络。. is the favorite information and community portal among overseas Chinese with over 1.5 million visitors per month., established in 2003, is a comprehensive information and community portal targeting overseas Chinese and has ...
AI加剧中国网路侵略 专家:对美国和全球威胁空前. 美国《华盛顿观察家报》(Washington Examiner)刊出专家的文章指出,人工智慧(AI)快速发展,加剧了中国不断升级的网路侵略,大大增加全球网路安全领域的风险,对美国的国家安全、经济繁荣、民主价值 ...
海外生活. 1. 活在美国. 在美国生活的方方面面,经历感想、生活经验、信息交流,咨询求助等。. 2万 / 4万. 从未. 2. 职场风云. 职场生存智慧,事业发展探讨,有关工作、事业、职业情商的相关话题。.
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动圈之王!. AKG K702旗舰级头戴式监听耳机仅售$129. 13 条评论 万斯:佩洛西是美国工业衰落的罪魁祸首. 39 条评论 假如特朗普重返白宫 美学者:共和党将就此消失. 2024-10-29 03:37 一年发现至少8具遗骸 这里堪称纽约“百慕大”. 17 条评论 杀害美国公民 川普呼吁对此 ...
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