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  1. 5. In North America and the UK, "period" and "full stop" are used as interjections "to indicate that a decision is irrevocable or that a point is no longer discussable" (sense 23, here). For example, "We're done, period" or "We need more people to join IRC, full stop" (here). EDIT: "Full stop" might have broader interjectional use than "period ...

  2. Dec 7, 2015 · As the main sentence ends, there will a full stop at the end. In this case, there will be three punctuation marks in a row: first, there will be a full stop marking end of quoted sentence; second, there will be a closing inverted comma marking close of the quotation; lastly, there will be a full stop marking end of the main sentence.

  3. Aug 25, 2016 · It used to be widespread to put a stop for most abbreviations with Mr and Mrs often without and other titles in full or with a stop. A stop meaning further letters omitted, unless using the last letter in your abbreviation. Punctuation has slowly been lost. Oxford and Cambridge along with the new army guide forbid using any stop except a full stop.

  4. Aug 13, 2012 · In this statement, what is the effect of semicolon in the meaning and what would the change in meaning be if we used full-stop (period) instead of a semi-colon? I would like to know a general rule for how the meaning changes, how it would affect similar sentences, etc. If you know of tutorials on this subject, I'd be most grateful.

  5. Aug 23, 2012 · The full stop was used a long time before the sixteenth century, but didn't have the same purpose - the Anglo-Saxon Corpus 140 manuscript of the Gospel According to Saint John dates from the 11th century and uses the punctus (modern full stop), but has a broad variety of functions rather than simply marking the end of a sentence and was mainly rhetorical.

  6. A period/full stop would work just as well as a semicolon, but a semicolon is normally used when the sentences are closely related. If they were connected with a conjunction you would use a comma. Therefore, no: a colon is not a double stop. Probably the closest thing to a double stop would be a paragraph mark.

  7. Sep 5, 2010 · This automatically introduces a larger space between full stop and first letter in next sentence. Watch closely: a next sentence starting with a quotation character should get a smaller space. With the introduction of computer type writing (not type setting!) and proportional fonts, a heated debate was and is going on about kerning and the inability to add kerning to fonts or the reluctance of ...

  8. Most important, be consistent. Don't make half the bullet points full sentences and half just one or two words. Don't capitalize one and not the next. Etc. I'm reminded of a lecture I once attended on writing style where the speaker had a slide on the importance of consistency with three bullet points, labeled "1.", "B.", and "Third".

  9. I was taught, long ago when learning to type (on a typewriter I might add), that there should be two spaces following the full stop. Along with many things (like indenting the initial line of each paragraph) this is rarely, if ever, used nowadays.

  10. Jan 10, 2011 · This one is simple enough: never double up periods. If a statement ends with “etc.” the period in the abbreviation does double duty, serving as the full stop to end the sentence. If, however, you need another mark of punctuation after an abbreviation, you can put it after the period. So: This was her first trip to the U.S.

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    punctuation marks