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  1. Short-term monastic retreat. Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University. NEWS. Hasty Conclusion. Host: Venerable Miao Guang. Find out what happened in this podcast episode: Once upon a time, there lived two government officials, Feng Dao (馮道) and He Ning (和凝) during the time of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

  2. 佛光山寺聲明啟事. 茲有不肖人士假借「星雲大師」之名,販售一筆字贗品或法物護身等不明商品,企圖斂財謀利,籲請大眾辨識詐欺之舉。 佛光山星雲大師不會從事販賣行為,凡有損害名譽者,將行法律追訴權,以杜絕弊端,特此聲明。 國際佛光青年會議閉幕 相約明年台灣見. 2024國際佛光青年幹部會議於7月20日在柏林泰坦尼克會議中心 (Titanic Convention Center),舉行團務報告、綜合座談及閉幕典禮,由國際佛光會世界青年總團執行長慧傳法師主持,宣布明年會議回到台灣總本山舉行,近300人共襄盛舉。

  3. Mar 5, 2023 · Fo Guang Shan (佛光山 or Foguangshan) is one of the four large Buddhist organizations in Taiwan. The order’s headquarters, Fo Guang Shan Monastery in Kaohsiung, Southern Taiwan, is one of Taiwan’s top attractions and most popular places to visit in Kaohsiung.

  4. Fo Guang Shan (FGS) ( Chinese: 佛光山; pinyin: Fó guāng shān; lit. 'Buddha's Light Mountain') is an international Chinese Mahāyāna Buddhist organization and monastic order based in Taiwan that practices Humanistic Buddhism whose roots are traced to the Linji school of Chan Buddhism.

  5. The Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum houses one of Sakyamuni Buddha's tooth relics, which was gifted to the founder Venerable Master Hsing Yun in 1998. The Museum promotes Buddhism through arts and movies, in the humanistic and international dimensions, and receives over 10 million visitors a year.

  6. 佛陀紀念館是一座融和古今與中外傳統與現代的建築具有文化與教育慧解與修持的功能。. 該館的興建,正是希望透過供奉代表佛陀威德、智慧的法身舍利,讓人們在禮敬佛陀舍利的同時,能夠開發自己清淨的佛性,並為人間注入善美與真心,帶來社會的 ...

  7. Fo Guang Shan Monastery (Chinese: 佛光山寺; pinyin: Fó Guāng Shān Sì; lit. Buddha's Light Mountain Monastery) is a Chinese Mahāyāna Buddhist monastery in Dashu District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. It is the headquarters of the Fo Guang Shan international organization and the largest Buddhist monastery in Taiwan.

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