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  1. Apr 19, 1998 · Octavio Paz was born in Mexico City, Mexico. He grew up under poor circumstances, but access to his grandfather’s library sparked his interest in literature at an early age. Having already begun writing poetry as a teenager, he made his literary debut with the poetry collection Luna silvestre (Wild Moon) in 1933.

  2. › wiki › Octavio_PazOctavio Paz - Wikipedia

    Octavio Irineo Paz Lozano ( Città del Messico, 31 marzo 1914 – Città del Messico, 20 aprile 1998) è stato un poeta, scrittore, saggista e diplomatico messicano, premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1990 . È considerato uno dei poeti di lingua spagnola più importanti della seconda metà del Novecento, al pari di Juan Ramón Jiménez ...

  3. Octavio Paz. Octavio Paz Lozano ( Cidade do México, 31 de março de 1914 — Cidade do México, 19 de abril de 1998) foi um poeta, ensaísta, tradutor e diplomata mexicano, notabilizado, principalmente, por seu trabalho prático e teórico no campo da poesia moderna ou de vanguarda. Recebeu o Nobel de Literatura de 1990.

  4. 受賞年: 1990年. 受賞部門: ノーベル文学賞. 受賞理由: 広い視野を持ち、先鋭的知性と人文主義的高潔さを特徴とした、情熱的な作品に対して. ポータル 文学. オクタビオ・パス ( スペイン語: Octavio Paz, 1914年 3月31日 - 1998年 4月19日 )は、 メキシコ の詩人 ...

  5. Octavio Paz wurde 1914 während der mexikanischen Revolution in Mexiko-Stadt als Sohn eines Anwalts und Enkel eines Romanciers geboren und starb 1998 auch dort. Paz war Diplomat, engagierter Intellektueller und Schriftsteller. Er studierte in Mexiko Jura und Literaturwissenschaften, lebte mehrfach im Ausland, und gründete zwei einflussreiche ...

  6. I lived in a town on the outskirts of Mexico City, in an old dilapidated house that had a jungle-like garden and a great room full of books. First games and first lessons. The garden soon became the centre of my world; the library, an enchanted cave. I used to read and play with my cousins and schoolmates.

  7. In 1914, Octavio Paz was born in Mexico City to a family of Spanish and native Mexican descent. He was educated at the National University of Mexico in law and literature. Under the encouragement of Pablo Neruda , Paz began his poetic career in his teens by founding an avant-garde literary magazine, Barandal, and publishing his first book of poems, Luna silvestre (1933).