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  1. Uruguay. Wedged like a grape between Brazil’s gargantuan thumb and Argentina’s long forefinger, Uruguay has always been something of an underdog. Yet after two centuries living in the shadow of its neighbors, South America’s smallest country is finally getting a little well-deserved recognition. Progressive, stable, safe and culturally ...

  2. 网站. www .gub .uy. 乌拉圭东岸共和国 (西班牙語: República Oriental del Uruguay ),通称 乌拉圭 (西班牙語: Uruguay ), 南美洲 东南部国家,西邻 阿根廷 ,东与北邻 巴西 ,南濒 拉普拉塔河 ,东南濒大西洋。. 乌拉圭人口342万 [2] ,其中近180万居于其首都和最大 ...

  3. The economy of Uruguay features an export-oriented agricultural sector and a well-educated workforce, along with high levels of social spending. Tourism and banking are also prominent sectors; Uruguay acts as a regional hub for international finance and tourism. The country also has a history and representation of advanced workers-rights ...

  4. Jun 28, 2023 · Outline Map. Key Facts. Flag. Uruguay, officially known as the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, covers an area of approximately 69,898 square miles (181,034 square kilometers). It is nestled in the southeastern region of South America, bordered to the east by the South Atlantic Ocean, to the south by the Rio de la Plata, to the west by Argentina ...

  5. Jun 26, 2024 · general assessment: Uruguay has an advanced telecom market, with excellent infrastructure and one of the highest broadband penetration rates in Latin America; fixed-line teledensity is also particularly high for the region, while mobile penetration is the second highest after Panama; in terms of computer penetration, Uruguay tops all other countries in the region by a considerable margin, and ...

  6. › wiki › UruguayUruguay – Wikipedia

    Uruguay liegt in Südamerika, zwischen 30° und 35° südlicher Breite sowie 53° und 58° westlicher Länge. [8] Uruguay ist nach Suriname der zweitkleinste Staat Südamerikas. Mit 176.215 Quadratkilometern Fläche (davon rund 2.600 Quadratkilometer Wasserfläche) ist es etwa halb so groß wie Deutschland.

  7. › wiki › UruguayUruguay – Wikipedia

    Uruguay (länge betitlat Banda Oriental – "Östra landremsan" – eftersom det låg öster om La Plata -viken och Uruguayfloden) började koloniseras under 1600-talet, och från 1776 ingick det i det spanska vicekungadömet Rio de la Plata. 1815 hade hela landet gjort sig fritt från främmande makter, efter ett fyra år långt ...

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