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  1. Az Uránusz légköre nagyrészt hidrogénből (83%) és héliumból (15%) áll. Kevés metánt (2%) is tartalmaz, amely az atmoszféra felső részén elnyeli a vörös fényt, ami miatt a bolygó halvány kékeszöld színű. A felhők ugyanúgy mozognak a szélességek mentén, mint a Jupiter és a Szaturnusz esetében, csak sokkal ...

  2. Uranus (berasal dari nama Latin Ūranus untuk nama dewa Yunani Οὐρανός) adalah planet ketujuh dari Matahari. Uranus merupakan planet yang memiliki jari-jari terbesar ketiga sekaligus massa terbesar keempat di Tata Surya. Uranus juga merupakan satu-satunya planet yang namanya berasal dari tokoh dalam mitologi Yunani, dari versi ...

  3. May 6, 2024 · Uranus has a thick atmosphere made of methane, hydrogen, and helium. Uranus is the only planet that spins on its side. Uranus spins the opposite direction as Earth and most other planets. Time on Uranus. One day on Uranus lasts a little over 17 hours (17 hours and 14 minutes, to be exact). One year on Uranus is the same as 84 years on Earth.

  4. In Depth. The seventh planet from the Sun with the third largest diameter in our solar system, Uranus is very cold and windy. The ice giant is surrounded by 13 faint rings and 27 small moons as it rotates at a nearly 90-degree angle from the plane of its orbit. This unique tilt makes Uranus appear to spin sideways, orbiting the Sun like a ...

  5. April 19, 2022: A new mission to Uranus was one of the highest priority objectives outlined in the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032. The possibility of a flagship mission to Uranus will be a focus of planetary science at NASA in the years to come. Aug. 2023: Mission scientists announced that NASA’s New Horizons ...

  6. Sep 26, 2019 · One rotation on Uranus takes about 17 hours. Uranus has the coldest planetary atmosphere in the solar system, -224 degrees Celsius;-371 degrees Fahrenheit. Uranus and Neptune share similar composition, both have bulk chemical compositions which differ from that of the larger gas giants Jupiter and Saturn.

  7. Jan 17, 2017 · Like Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune, Uranus is a big ball of gas, often called a jovian or gas giant world. Uranus owes its vibrant blue-green hues not from unusual oceans but from an upper ...

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