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  1. Xinhuanet is a comprehensive service-oriented news information portal and the most influential online media in China. As the main communication platform of all-media news information products created by Xinhua News Agency, Xinhuanet releases global news information 24 hours daily in 11 languages.

  2. 中国主要重点新闻网站,依托新华社遍布全球的采编网络,记者遍布世界100多个国家和地区,地方频道分布全国31个省市自治区,每天24小时同时使用6种语言滚动发稿,权威准确及时播发国内外重要新闻和重大突发事件,受众覆盖200多个国家和地区,发展论坛是全球 ...

  3. GLOBALink | Xi attends welcome ceremony hosted by Kazakh President Tokayev. Xi says ready to join Tokayev for more substantive, dynamic China-Kazakhstan community with shared future. Xi says China, Kazakhstan are companions on path to modernization.

  4. 新时代中国调研行·中部篇丨 一株稻的前世今生. 八省会馆云集的古镇什么样?. 来徐州窑湾看看吧. 高通首席财务官兼首席运营官:终端侧驱动生成式AI的关键在低功耗计算. 精心保障暑运顺畅. 理响中国丨中国高水平对外开放体现在哪?. 习近平在和平共处五项 ...

  5. Xinhua Headlines: China's Chang'e-6 brings back first samples from moon's far side to Earth

  6. › english › latestnews_moreLatest news - 新华网

    Latest news - 新华网 ... 查看更多 ... ...

  7. It is the largest media organ in China. Xinhua is a publisher, as well as a news agency; it publishes in multiple languages and is a channel for the distribution of information related to the Chinese government and the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

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