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  1. Makhambet Otemisuly ( Kazakh: Махамбет Өтемісұлы, Mahambet Ötemısūly; Russian: Махамбет Утемисов; 1804 – October 20, 1846) was a Kazakh poet and political figure. He is best known for his activity as a leader (with friend Isatay Taymanuly) of rebellions against Russian colonialism.

  2. Aug 9, 2018 · Makhambet Utemisov was a hero, who led the people, a fighter who dreamed of seeing Kazakh soil and its people free and independent, and a poet of high spirit. He was born in the district of Beketai of Bokey Horde (nowadays Zhanibek district of the Ural region). Makhambet from his childhood was fascinated by versification.

  3. Kazakh poet and political figure. Makhambet Otemisuly (Kazakh: Махамбет Өтемісұлы Russian: Махамбет Утемисов 1803 or 1804–1846, October 20) was a Kazakh poet and political figure. He is best known for his activity as a leader (with friend Isatay Taymanuly) of rebellions against Russian colonialism.

  4. Jun 24, 2023 · Махамбет Өтемісұлы ішкі Бөкей Ордасының Бекетай құмында (қазіргі Батыс Қазақстан облысына қарасты қазіргі Жәнібек ауданында, Нарын құмында) 1803 жылы дүниеге келген. Бала кезінен Ұлы Далаға аты мәшһүр ақындар мен жыраулардың шығармаларына қанық болып өскен.

  5. Makhambet Otemisuly (Template:Lang-kk Template:Lang-ru 1803 or 1804–1846, October 20) was a Kazakh poet and political figure. He is best known for his activity as a leader (with friend Isatay Taymanuly ) of rebellions against Russian colonialism .

  6. Apr 11, 2023 · Makhambet Otemisuly (Utemisov) (1803–1846) a famous “akyn” – poet, composer and performer of music songs – “kuys”, one of the organizers of the people’s liberation uprising of 1836-1838 in the Bokey Horde. He was a patriot who dreamed of the liberation of the Kazakh people.

  7. Makhambet Otemisuly - the great Kazakh poet, Batyr, who played an important role in the development of Kazakh literature of the nineteenth century. Nature has generously awarded him the talent of the composer, virtuoso performer kyuyev, fiery orator and poet.