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  1. Thode Fagelund was on a voyage from Chittagong and Madras to Table Bay and the U.K. with a cargo of scrap iron, jute and tea when she was torpedoed in the starboard side and sunk on Nov. 17-1941 by the Vichy French submarine Le Héros (Lemaire), 60 n. miles east (another source says 35 miles southeast) of East London (South Africa).

  2. Thode Fagelund (født 29. mai 1904 i Tønsberg, død 19. november 1944) var en norsk fiolinist, komponist og orkesterleder. Etter organisteksamen ved Musikkonservatoriet i Oslo, ble han kapellmester på Grand Hotell (1925–30), hvorpå han ledet Bristolorkesteret (1930–33), datidens ledende danseorkester, og til sist Lyches ...

  3. Thode Fagellund (sometimes Fagelund or Fageland). Norwegian, on passage Shanghai to Rotterdam with a cargo of Sesame seed. Sunk 12.3.1917 and credited to UB27. Positions given as 51.40N 02.58E (LLWW1) or 52.14.30N 03.17.30E in Dr Fowlers book.

  4. Two days later, Le Héros sank the cargo vessel Thode Fagelund off East London, Eastern Cape. On 31 July 1941, the Japanese invaded French Indochina, where they seized Pégase, which was returning from a mission.

  5. Ship name. Thode Fagelund (Profile & Deck Plan for Thode Fagelund, 1919 1919, Plan of Main Boiler for Thode Fagelund, 8th December 1919 1919, Plan of Half Midship Section for Thode Fagelund, 25th November 1919 1919, Letter from Secretary to the Consul General for Norway, regarding classification certificates for Thode Fagelund, 9th November 1920 1920, Copy of Telegram regarding classification ...

  6. @uboatnet. Ships hit during WWI. Thode Fagelund. U-boat attacks on Steamer Thode Fagelund. Position of attack on Thode Fagelund. If you can help us with any additional information on this vessel then please contact us. Return to WWI Ships Attacked main page.

  7. › 1908/02/004thoTHODE FAGELUND

    thode fagelund of tonsberg, norway, r. c. agerup, master, burthen 4352/2826 tons from the ports of adelaide & circular head to sydney, new south wales, 5th february 1908: