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  1. › wiki › Sigurd_HoelSigurd Hoel - Wikipedia

    Sigurd Hoel (December 14, 1890 – October 14, 1960) was a Norwegian author and publishing consultant, born in Nord-Odal. A prolific writer and critic, during the World War II he was a member of the Norwegian resistance movement.

  2. Sigurd Hoel (1890–1960) var en norsk forfatter og forlagskonsulent. Han debuterte med novellesamlingen Veien vi gaar i 1922. Gjennombruddet kom med Syndere i sommersol (1927), som ble filmatisert i 1934 og i 2001.

  3. Sigurd Hoel (born December 14, 1890, Nord-Odal, Norway—died October 14, 1960, Oslo) was a novelist who is considered most representative of the interwar generation of fiction writers in Norway. He was the first Norwegian writer of fiction to be directly influenced by psychoanalysis.

  4. Sigurd Hoel var en norsk forfatter og en av frontfigurene i mellomkrigstidens kulturradikalisme. Han var en aktiv deltaker i kulturdebatten og innflytelsesrik som litteraturkritiker og hovedkonsulent på Gyldendal Norsk Forlag.

  5. Sigurd Hoel was a Norwegian author and publishing consultant. His literary career began with the short story «Idioten» («the Idiot») from 1918, when he won a writing contest. The same year he became an employee of «Socialdemokraten» («The Social Democrat», a newspaper) as a literature and theater critic.

  6. Sigurd Hoel was born in 1890 in Nord-Odal. His father was a teacher. He grew up in Odalen. He worked for a time as an insurance salesman before being able to go to university in Oslo. He edited a literary magazine at university. He started writing short stories and was also a literature and theatre critic for a newspaper.

  7. Sigurd Hoel var en av frontfigurene i mellomkrigstidens kulturradikalisme, en aktiv deltaker i kulturdebatten og innflytelsesrik som litteraturkritiker og hovedkonsulent på Gyldendal Norsk Forlag.

  8. Sigurd Hoel (sē´gŏŏr hō´əl), 18901960, Norwegian novelist. Hoel's sophisticated novels of urban life include the witty satire Sinners in Summertime (1927, tr. 1930) and the more serious One Day in October (1931, tr. 1932).

  9. Sigurd Hoel has 42 books on Goodreads with 2231 ratings. Sigurd Hoels most popular book is Heart of Darkness.

  10. www.sigurd-hoel.noSigurd Hoel

    Sigurd Hoel (1890-1960) var født og oppvokst i Nord-Odal. Han har blitt stående som en av våre fremste forfattere og mest innflytelsesrike kulturpersonligheter i perioden 1930-1960. Hans urbane framtoning forhindret ikke at han hele livet var sterkt knyttet til hjembygda.