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  1. Tiit Aleksejev (born 6 July 1968) is an Estonian novelist and playwright. [1] Aleksejev was born in Kohtla-Järve. He studied history at the University of Tartu, and served as a diplomat in France and Belgium. His debut novel was a thriller called Valge kuningriik ( The White Kingdom, 2006).

  2. Tiit Aleksejev (1968) is an Estonian novelist and playwright. He received a master’s degree in medieval history from the University of Tartu and has also studied in Oxford. Aleksejev has lived and worked in both Paris and Brussels, and currently resides in Tallinn.

  3. TIIT ALEKSEJEV LE PÈLERINAGE 2018, Éditions Intervalles | Roman BIOGRAPHIE Né en 1968, Tiit Aleksejev est un romancier et dramaturge estonien. Il est diplômé de l’université de Tartu (Estonie) et est auteur d’une thèse sur l’Histoire du Moyen Âge.

  4. tiit aleksejev. about; works. novels; plays; screenplays; sample translations; works

  5. › person › 9Tiit Aleksejev

    From 2016 to 2024, Tiit Aleksejev was the chairman of the Estonian Writers´ Union. The Estonian Literature Centre (ELIC, Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus) exists to generate interest in Estonian literature abroad by facilitating professional contacts.

  6. Tiit Aleksejev on eesti kirjanik ja ajaloolane ning korp! Sakala vilistlane. Ta on lõpetanud Tartu Ülikooli ajaloo erialal 1992. aastal. Aleksejev on reservohvitser (lipnik). Tema teadustöö teemaks on olnud ristisõjad, millest ta on ammutanud ka oma ilukirjandusliku loomingu ainese.

  7. Tiit Aleksejev (b.1968) graduated from the University of Tartu with a masters degree in Medieval History. He has worked as a diplomat in Paris and Brussels, and currently lives in Tallinn. His first short story, Tartu rahu, won the annual award from the literary magazine Looming in 1999.