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  1. Tiit Aleksejev (born 6 July 1968) is an Estonian novelist and playwright. [1] Aleksejev was born in Kohtla-Järve. He studied history at the University of Tartu, and served as a diplomat in France and Belgium. His debut novel was a thriller called Valge kuningriik ( The White Kingdom, 2006).

  2. Tiit Aleksejev is a historical writer who has won the European Union Prize for Literature in 2010. He has written an Estonian-language trilogy on the First Crusade and has traveled in the Middle East for inspiration.

    • The Pilgrimage
    • The Stronghold
    • Le Grand Tour

    Published by Varrak, 2008, pp. 304. “The Pilgrimage” (Palveränd, 2008) takes the reader into the last years of the 11th century. In terms of genre it is a historical thriller, based on the four chronicles of the First Crusade (1096–1099). The main character of the novel is a young man-at-arms, who is bound for Palestine with the men of the Count of...

    Published by Varrak, 2011. Spring 1098. The army of crusaders has managed to conquer Antioch, the ancient capital of Roman Syria. Before long, they are besieged themselves. The Stronghold is a story of siege, romance, and strength found by trial and ordeal.

    In the anthology, “Le Grand Tour”, published in Grasset in 2022, one novelist wrote about one significant place or place of memory from each European country. Estonia was represented by Tiit Aleksejev’s “Light on Laboratory Street”. Click here to learn more.

  3. tiit aleksejev. about; works. novels; plays; screenplays; sample translations; works

  4. › person › 9Tiit Aleksejev

    Tiit Aleksejev is a historical novelist and a diplomat who has won the European Union Prize for Literature. His works include The White Kingdom, The Pilgrimage, Legionaries and Hortus Conclusus.

  5. Tiit Aleksejev on eesti kirjanik ja ajaloolane ning korp! Sakala vilistlane. Ta on lõpetanud Tartu Ülikooli ajaloo erialal 1992. aastal. Aleksejev on reservohvitser (lipnik). Tema teadustöö teemaks on olnud ristisõjad, millest ta on ammutanud ka oma ilukirjandusliku loomingu ainese.

  6. Tiit Aleksejev (b.1968) graduated from the University of Tartu with a masters degree in Medieval History. He has worked as a diplomat in Paris and Brussels, and currently lives in Tallinn. His first short story, Tartu rahu, won the annual award from the literary magazine Looming in 1999.