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  1. The Schola Cantorum de Paris (schola cantorum being Latin for 'singers' school') is a private conservatory in Paris. It was founded in 1894 by Charles Bordes , Alexandre Guilmant and Vincent d'Indy as a counterbalance to the Paris Conservatoire 's emphasis on opera.

  2. Schola Cantorum is a higher education establishment for music, drama and dance. It occupies the old English Benedictine convent of Paris.

  3. Directeur musical. 130 ans d'existence. La Schola Cantorum. Etablissement libre de Musique, Danse, Théâtre. Accueil à tout âge, tout niveau. Inscription dès 3 ans. Cursus Professionnel et Amateur.

  4. schola cantorum, medieval papal singing school and associated choir, the ancestor of the modern Sistine Choir. According to tradition, the schola cantorum was established by Pope Sylvester I (d. 335) and was reorganized by Pope Gregory I (d. 604), but the first written mention

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
    • The Founders
    • The Building
    • The Philosophy
    • The Schola Cantorum Today

    One upon a time, 120 years ago. The history of the Schola Cantorum is before all else the history of a strong will, the one of a single man : Charles BORDES (1863-1909). As early as 1890 he set the basis for his enterprise. In 1894, he brought together some friends benefactors and shareholders and creates a company taking the name of « Schola Canto...

    The English Benedictines’ Convent … 400 years of history In 1640 the English Benedictine monks, fleeing the schism in England, took refuge in France and settle down in Paris between the Feuillantines and the Val de Grâce, on the current location of the Schola Cantorum, benefitting from the protection of Richelieu and Anne d’Autriche. The first corn...

    From 1900 until his death in 1931, Vincent d’Indy was responsible for the direction of the school. Since then, the school has played a key role and has been deeply rooted into the Parisian, French and international musician life, having proven its worth all along the XXth century. Thousands of students have been trained here and masters of exceptio...

    The Schola Cantorum, at the dawn of the XXth century, continues to stamp its mark and to mark its difference. Combining attachment to traditions and attraction for novelty, its permanent concern is to enlarge its scope of action and to take into account all the contributions of modernity as well as the needs and trends of a constantly moving art, t...

    • 01 43 54 15 39
  5. La Schola Cantorum de Paris est un établissement privé d'enseignement supérieur de musique, d'art dramatique et de danse, situé à Paris. Il occupe le bâtiment de l'ancien couvent des Bénédictins anglais , au 269, rue Saint-Jacques .

  6. Disciplines taught : Instrumental lessons, singing, musical training, theater, ensemble and dance (classical, contemporary, modern jazz)