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  1. The MFA program is a two-year full-time, in-person program foregrounding the interconnectedness of literary arts practice, modes of production and distribution, and the rigorous study of literatures, arts, and cultures.

  2. Overview of the admissions process for UC San Diego's MFA in Writing program.

  3. Instructions for completing the application for admission to UC San Diego's MFA Program in Writing.

  4. GRAD EXHIBITIONS ONLINE. This site includes documentation of solo thesis shows from graduating MFA students as well as First Year Reviews. Past exhibitions include the 2022 & 2021 Open Studios and the 2021 & 2020 graduating MFA exhibitions.

  5. MFA Program. The MFA Program in Writing welcomes brave and innovative writers and encourages the formation of mutually-supportive, inspiring literary communities. The program is small, with typically 4 to 8 new students admitted and funded each year.

  6. Classes. Each year, intensive studio work in movement, voice, speech, and singing accesses, expands, and frees the physical body. Acting Process introduces a range of improvisational and rehearsal techniques that help the actor approach onstage events with imagination and a rich emotional life.

  7. The Design program trains students in the best professional practices of regional and commercial theatre. The design faculty are award-winning working professionals also committed to teaching. The design training program stresses an interaction with the works of many visual artists from a wide range of disciplines.