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  1. Mar 28, 2023 · 17 Things Money Can’t Buy. 1. Money Cannot Buy Your Home. There is a saying that money can purchase a house, but it cannot buy a home. What does this mean? It means that you can use money to purchase a building; however, that money is not necessarily going to make it feel like home. You are responsible for making your home feel like a home.

    • Love. Money can’t buy you love. There’s a funny 1980s rom-com about this called Can’t Buy Me Love. The truth of the matter is that money may be able to buy you sex, power or influence, but it can’t force someone to truly feel a certain way about you.
    • Fulfillment. Money can get you an awesome boat, fine wine and all sorts of new fancy accessories. But it can’t buy you fulfillment. There are so many rich people who would give their last dollar to feel the satisfaction of a hardworking farmer at the end of the day when he sits down to dinner and a cold beer.
    • Inner peace. Money can’t buy inner peace. You know the feeling when there’s nothing special going on or particularly good, but you feel satisfied, engaged with the world and alive?
    • Friendship. Money can buy you all sorts of “official” friends. I’ve read plenty of stories of someone winning the lottery and suddenly having people they never heard from in 20 years call them up.
  2. Nov 24, 2023 · The most valuable parts of life? Well, they’re invaluable. Here are 99 experiences, feelings, or memories that money can’t buy.

    • Happiness: Money doesn’t buy happiness. It acquires pleasure. No matter how much material possession, if you don’t practice enough gratitude and learn how to become happier, you will never be satisfied.
    • Time: No matter how rich you are, you can’t get back time once it’s gone. It’s free for everyone yet no-one can own it but use it. Each passing second is the time that will never get back.
    • Purpose: Finding your purpose in life is not about getting more money. Most people have the wrong understanding of thinking that their ultimate goal in life is to become rich and have all the money in the world.
    • Love: As peculiar as it may sound, money can’t buy love, and it is the truth. One funny thing about love is that having too much money may even pose a difficulty in getting true love.
    • Mental health. One of the most important things money can’t buy health, and it certainly can’t buy mental health. Being stressed out all the time and not taking time for yourself can lead to anxiety and even depression.
    • Healthy relationships. Money can’t buy a healthy relationship, whether that is with your partner, family, or friends. If you’re constantly fighting with your partner, buying them an apology gift won’t fix it.
    • Time. I’d love to be able to buy extra time in the day or one of the "time-turner’s" that Hermione Granger used in the Harry Potter series. Sadly, those do not exist in real life.
    • Happiness. One of the other things money cannot buy is happiness. You can have all the money in the world and buy all the latest gadgets, but it doesn’t guarantee that you will be happy.
  3. Jun 29, 2023 · Sometimes we mess up. Know what money can’t buy? Money can’t buy our way out of that inescapable fact of life. Not the purchase of a diamond, a bouquet, a suit, or a toy box full of Christmas gifts.

  4. Mar 9, 2023 · Can money buy anything you want? Surely not. There are things money can't buy in your life. Some of these things are invaluable and priceless.