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  1. Learn the meaning of disorder as a noun in English, with synonyms, related words, and usage examples. Disorder can refer to confusion, illness, or angry situation.

    • Anxiety Disorders
    • Depression
    • Bipolar Disorder
    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    • Schizophrenia
    • Eating Disorders
    • Disruptive Behaviour and Dissocial Disorders
    • Neurodevelopmental Disorders
    • Who Is at Risk from Developing A Mental Disorder?
    • Health Systems and Social Support

    In 2019, 301 million people were living with an anxiety disorder including 58 million children and adolescents (1). Anxiety disorders are characterised by excessive fear and worry and related behavioural disturbances. Symptoms are severe enough to result in significant distress or significant impairment in functioning. There are several different k...

    In 2019, 280 million people were living with depression, including 23 million children and adolescents (1). Depression is different from usual mood fluctuations and short-lived emotional responses to challenges in everyday life. During a depressive episode, the person experiences depressed mood (feeling sad, irritable, empty) or a loss of pleasure ...

    In 2019, 40 million people experienced bipolar disorder (1). People with bipolar disorder experience alternating depressive episodes with periods of manic symptoms. During a depressive episode, the person experiences depressed mood (feeling sad, irritable, empty) or a loss of pleasure or interest in activities, for most of the day, nearly every day...

    The prevalence of PTSD and other mental disorders is high in conflict-affected settings (3). PTSD may develop following exposure to an extremely threatening or horrific event or series of events. It is characterised by all of the following: 1) re-experiencing the traumatic event or events in the present (intrusive memories, flashbacks, or nightmare...

    Schizophrenia affects approximately 24 million people or 1 in 300 people worldwide (1). People with schizophrenia have a life expectancy 10-20 years below that of the general population (4). Schizophrenia is characterised by significant impairments in perception and changes in behaviour. Symptoms may include persistent delusions, hallucinations, di...

    In 2019, 14 million people experienced eating disorders including almost 3 million children and adolescents (1). Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, involve abnormal eating and preoccupation with food as well as prominent body weight and shape concerns. The symptoms or behaviours result in significant risk or damage to h...

    40 million people, including children and adolescents, were living with conduct-dissocial disorder in 2019 (1). This disorder, also known as conduct disorder, is one of two disruptive behaviour and dissocial disorders, the other is oppositional defiant disorder. Disruptive behaviour and dissocial disorders are characterised by persistent behaviour ...

    Neurodevelopmental disorders are behavioural and cognitive disorders, that?arise during the developmental period, and involve significant difficulties in the acquisition and execution of specific intellectual, motor, language, or social functions. Neurodevelopmental disorders include disorders of intellectual development, autism spectrum disorder, ...

    At any one time, a diverse set of individual, family, community, and structural factors may combine to protect or undermine mental health. Although most people are resilient, people who are exposed to adverse circumstances – including poverty, violence, disability, and inequality – are at higher risk. Protective and risk factors include individual ...

    Health systems have not yet adequately responded to the needs of people with mental disorders and are significantly under resourced. The gap between the need for treatment and its provision is wide all over the world; and is often poor in quality when delivered. For example, only 29% of people with psychosis (5) and only one third of people with de...

  2. Learn the meaning, synonyms, examples, and history of the word disorder as a verb and a noun. Disorder can mean to disturb the order of, to disturb the regular or normal functions, or to refer to a lack of order or an abnormal condition.

  3. Feb 17, 2022 · The DSM-5 defines a mental disorder as a syndrome that causes significant disturbance in behavior, emotion, and cognition. These disorders are also usually accompanied by significant distress that affects a person's work, school, and social relationships.

    • Anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are defined by disproportionately high levels of fear, anxiety, and avoidance in response to certain objects or situations.
    • Mood disorders. Mood disorders are mental health conditions that affect your mood. Depressive disorders involve sad, empty, or irritable moods along with physical and thought (cognitive) changes that affect your ability to function.
    • Substance-related disorders. Alcohol and substance use disorders involve changes in brain chemistry that create a dependence on the substance you’re using.
    • Schizophrenia and related disorders. Schizophrenia spectrum disorders are defined by challenges in one or more of these five areas: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thought or speech, abnormal movements such as catatonia, and negative symptoms, such as a lack of motivation, pleasure, or emotional expression.
  4. Dec 21, 2023 · Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) features a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears known as obsessions. These obsessions lead you to do repetitive behaviors, also called compulsions. These obsessions and compulsions get in the way of daily activities and cause a lot of distress.

  5. Dec 13, 2022 · Signs and symptoms of mental illness can vary, depending on the disorder, circumstances and other factors. Mental illness symptoms can affect emotions, thoughts and behaviors. Examples of signs and symptoms include: Feeling sad or down; Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate; Excessive fears or worries, or extreme ...

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