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  1. The Trail of Tears was the forced displacement of approximately 60,000 people of the "Five Civilized Tribes" between 1830 and 1850, and the additional thousands of Native Americans within that were ethnically cleansed by the United States government. [3]

  2. May 28, 2024 · Overview of the Trail of Tears, the forced relocation in the 1830s of Native Americans from the southeastern U.S. to Indian Territory (Oklahoma).

  3. Nov 9, 2009 · The Trail of Tears was the deadly route used by Native Americans when forced off their ancestral lands and into Oklahoma by the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

  4. Jan 29, 2024 · The Trail of Tears is the name given to the forced migration of the Cherokee people from their ancestral lands in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and North Carolina to new territories west of the Mississippi River. The journey, undertaken in the fall and winter of 1838–1839, was fatal for one-fourth of the Cherokee population.

  5. Aug 3, 2023 · What Happened on the Trail of Tears? Federal Indian Removal Policy. Early in the 19th century, the United States felt threatened by England and Spain, who held land in the western continent. At the same time, American settlers clamored for more land.

  6. Trail of Tears, Forced migration in the United States of the Northeast and Southeast Indians during the 1830s. The discovery of gold on Cherokee land in Georgia (1828–29) catalyzed political efforts to divest all Indians east of the Mississippi River of their property.

  7. May 8, 2013 · Small wonder they came to call this 800-mile nightmare “The Trail of Tears.” Of the approximately 18,000 Cherokees who were removed, at least 4,000 died in the stockades along the way, and some say the figure actually reached 8,000.

  8. Jan 22, 2019 · A few tribes went peacefully, but many resisted the relocation policy. During the fall and winter of 1838 and 1839, the Cherokees were forcibly moved west by the United States government. Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died on this forced march, which became known as the "Trail of Tears."

  9. Jul 18, 2023 · A Journey of Injustice. Remember and commemorate the survival of the Cherokee people, forcefully removed from their homelands in Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee to live in Indian Territory, now Oklahoma. They traveled by foot, horse, wagon, or steamboat in 1838-1839.

  10. The Trail of Tears: A Story of Cherokee Removal. Classroom. This interactive uses primary sources, quotes, images, and short videos of contemporary Cherokee people to tell the story of how the Cherokee Nation resisted removal and persisted to renew and rebuild their nation.