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  1. Breed of the Sea is a 1926 American silent adventure film directed by and starring Ralph Ince with Margaret Livingston and Dorothy Dunbar.

  2. There are five species of sea lion—the California sea lion, Steller sea lion, Southern sea lion, Australian sea lion, and Hooker’s sea lion. Sea lions (and fur seals) are distinguished from true seals by their comparably large front flippers, visible ear flaps, and ability to curl their back flippers under their body to walk on all fours.

    • True Seals
    • Eared Seals
    • Walrus

    The true seals, orphocids, are what many people think of when they picture a seal. Sometimes called the earless seals, the true seals are all members of the family Phocidae, which contains 18 living species. This makes the true seals the largest pinniped family. Here’s what you need to know about each species.

    More commonly known as the eared seals, the otariids are the second family of pinnipeds. This family includes all of the sea lions and fur seals. As the family’s name suggests, all of these species have small visible ear flaps, which the true seals don’t have. Additionally, otariids are much more mobile on land than true seals because they have lar...

    Okay, we know what you’re thinking: Is a walrus really a seal? Well, it turns out that the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) is technically a type of seal. In fact, the walrus is the only living species in the family Odobenidae, which is part of the clade Pinnipedia. Since the clade Pinnipedia includes all the seals, we can classify the walrus as a seal, ...

    • Joyce Chepkemoi
    • Gray seal. The gray seal inhabits the shores of the North Atlantic. The gray seal is large, and the eastern Atlantic bulls can reach lengths of 8.2 feet to 10.8 feet with the females being 5.2 to 6.6 feet long.
    • Harp seal. The harp seal is indigenous to the northernmost regions of the Atlantic Ocean and some areas of the Arctic Ocean. Its body appears silvery-gray with wishbone-shaped or black harp marks on its back.
    • Caspian seal. The Caspian Seal is uniquely restricted inland that is the landlocked Caspian Seal. Its upperparts range from greyish-yellow to dark grey with lighter grey sides and belly while the back has irregular dark spots.
    • Baikal seal. The Baikal seal is recognized as the only pinniped limited to freshwater habitats. Its torpedo-shaped flexible body makes it a graceful swimmer while its powerful hindquarters propel the seal through the water.
  3. Seals are pinnipeds, a group of animals with three separate families—phocidae (eared seals), otaridae (non-eared seals), and odobenidae (walruses)—that are the only mammals that feed in the water and breed on land.

  4. The Australian sea lion and Australian and New Zealand fur seals are the only species that breed on and around Australia’s mainland and nearshore islands. These and the Antarctic and subantarctic fur seals – which breed on Australian subantarctic islands – belong to the ‘eared’ pinniped family: all have small outwardly visible ears.

  5. › wiki › SeahorseSeahorse - Wikipedia

    A seahorse (also written sea-horse and sea horse) is any of 46 species of small marine bony fish in the genus Hippocampus. "Hippocampus" comes from the Ancient Greek hippókampos (ἱππόκαμπος), itself from híppos (ἵππος) meaning "horse" and kámpos (κάμπος) meaning "sea monster" or "sea animal".