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  1. Jan 10, 2024 · We often hear so many sayings about money such as money can’t buy you love, money is the root of all evil, money can’t buy your health and much more. Some buy earthly possessions and feel that is the best thing that money can buy.

    • Carmen Jacob
    • Freedom. Money is the ultimate tool of freedom. It grants you access and allows you to move freely. If you have enough money, you can buy your way out of jail – just pay the bail and get yourself a good lawyer who can bend the truth in your favor.
    • Security. Money buys you all forms of security. From physical & psychological security, to financial security. Not only you can hire people to protect your well being but you can also acquire advanced tools that dramatically increase your chances for both survival and prosperity.
    • A New Life. One of the advantages of being really wealthy is that it allows you to start over if you desire to. In most civilized societies there is no need for this since the system is working decently, but if you are in a conflictual geography, money can mean the difference from getting killed to buying yourself a new identity and moving to a country where the is no threat.
    • Privacy. In a world that more and more transparent by the day, privacy has become a true luxury. The rich spend tremendous amounts of money in order to keep themselves out of the limelight.
    • Dinesh Dayani
    • Approximately 100 Unit Trusts. We can invest in a broad range of over 100 unit trusts with our OA funds. We can invest in majority of the unit trusts individually, while about 10 of them have to be invested into via Investment-Linked Products (ILPs).
    • Insurance Products With 10 Insurance Companies. There are approximately 110 funds that we can also invest in via 10 insurance companies’ products. These products include Investment-Linked Products (ILPs), annuities and endowment policies.
    • Singapore Government Bonds (SGBs) & Treasury Bills. We can invest our OA funds into Singapore Government Bonds (SGBs) and Treasury Bills as well. These investments have been gaining in popularity since mid-2022, following a steep rise in global interest rates, while the interest rate paid by CPF OA has remained flat at 2.5% per annum.
    • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) There are currently only 6 ETFs that we can invest in with our CPF OA funds. They allow us to invest in equities, REITs, bonds and gold.
    • Dinesh Dayani
    • Stocks. We can invest our SRS funds in stocks listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX). Remember, we don’t have to invest via the banks that we open our SRS accounts with, and can continue using our existing brokers in most instances.
    • REITs. Similar to investing in stocks, we can invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs) that are listed in Singapore. Again, since REITs are bought and sold like stocks, we can continue to use our existing brokerage firms to make such investments.
    • ETFs. Short for Exchange Traded Funds, ETFs typically replicate the composition of a broad index tracking regional or country indexes, stocks in a particular sector, REITs, bonds, commodities and other financial instruments.
    • Bonds. Several retail bonds are also listed on the SGX, and we can invest our SRS funds in these bonds. These include Temasek’s T2023 S$ bonds and Temasek-linked Astrea IV, V, VI and 7A and 7B private equity bonds, as well as other retail bonds that have been listed on SGX.
  2. Jan 25, 2022 · When we wonder whether money can buy happiness, we may consider the luxuries it provides, like expensive dinners and lavish vacations. But cash is key in another important way: It helps people avoid many of the day-to-day hassles that cause stress, new research shows.

  3. 2 days ago · Money isn’t a math problem to solve; it’s a psychological one. This book discusses psychological biases, emotional factors, and irrational behaviours that often derail even the smartest investors and savers. My takeaway from this book—if you can master your emotions and thoughts, you will change the way you save, spend, and invest.

  4. Dec 8, 2023 · Money can do a lot of good for yourself and the world around you. Still: there’s a lot that money can’t do. I’m putting together this list of 22 things money cant buy no matter how rich you are because I think it’s a great reminder of the limits of material possessions in bringing us fulfillment.