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  1. 1. Make sure you are comfortable with your partner. Find a partner you are attracted to and trust. When you are comfortable with someone you trust fully, making love will be that much better. 2. Give and get consent. Before getting into any sexual activity, your partner (s) must consent enthusiastically and not under any influences.

  2. 1. Snuggle with your partner to help bonding. [1] . Snuggling is a great romantic activity and it doesn't take a lot of skill, preparation, or extra effort. It's also a great way to transition into just about any bedroom activity, from foreplay to a serious talk. Go slow on this step.

  3. Key points. Mutuality and oneness distinguish lovemaking from mere sex. A worthy goal is to transcend self-interested desire for sexual satisfaction so that one's partner’s self becomes one's own....

  4. What are yours? Good news: Without spending money, losing or gaining weight, or learning exotic techniques, you can make sex more enjoyable. Here are 10 things you can do that are absolutely,...

  5. Make love in a new location, in a different way, at a different time, or with a different ambience (think candlelight, music or sex toys). Try bathing or showering together beforehand, or treat yourselves to professional massages.

  6. Making love can mean taking delight in exploring your partner’s body, mind, and heart, not just because you’re trying to have an orgasm, but because you’re trying to share a seriously intimate connection with them.

  7. When you've been with the same person for a long time, making love can feel as routine as doing the dishes. But if you want to keep your relationship alive, you need to bring passion back into the bedroom.