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  1. Aug 19, 2023 · The idiom "maybe some other time" is a polite and often non-committal way of declining an invitation or deferring a request. This expression conveys the speaker's unwillingness or inability to commit to something at the present moment, often with the implication that the matter might be revisited in the future.

  2. a polite phrase said by a person whose invitation has just been turned down by another person. Bill: Do you think you can come to the party? Bob: I'll have to beg off. I have another engagement. Bill: Maybe some other time. John: Can you and Alice come over this Friday? Bill: Gee, sorry. We have something else on.

  3. Learn how to use the phrase 'maybe some other time' to politely decline an invitation or offer for the present, while leaving open the possibility of fulfilling the request at a future date. See sentence examples from inspiring English sources and related expressions.

    • 使う場面
    • 似たような表現
    • 関連する語彙
    • 押さえておきたいポイント
    • 「誘う」に関連する記事

    「Maybe some other time.」は、「今回は遠慮しますが、別の機会にはぜひ」という意味を持ちます。以下のような場面でよく使われます。 1. 招待を丁寧に断る時:友人からの食事の誘いを断るときなど 2. 予定が合わない時:スケジュールが合わず、別の日を提案したい時

    I’ll pass this time.

    「今回は見送ります。」直接的な断り方。 1. A: “Would you like to come to our party on Saturday?” B: “I’ll pass this time, but let me know about the next one.” A: 「土曜日のパーティーに来ませんか?」 B: 「今回は見送りますが、次のパーティーのことは教えてください。」

    Let’s raincheck.

    「延期しよう。」次回に予定を延期する意味。 1. A: “Do you want to go hiking this weekend?” B: “Let’s raincheck. I have a family gathering.” A: 「今週末、ハイキングに行きませんか?」 B: 「延期しましょう。家族との集まりがあります。」

    Perhaps another day.

    「別の日にしましょうか。」より柔らかい断り方。 1. A: “Are you free to catch up for coffee tomorrow?” B: “Perhaps another day, I’m swamped with work right now.” A: 「明日、コーヒーを飲みながら話しませんか?」 B: 「別の日がいいですね、今、仕事で忙しいんです。」


    (スケジュール) 1. 「I need to check my schedulefirst.」 2. (先にスケジュールを確認する必要があります。)


    (忙しい) 1. 「I’m too busythis week.」 2. (今週はとても忙しいです。)


    (約束) 1. 「Can we make another appointment?」 2. (別の日に約束できますか?)

    Maybe some other time.」を使う際は、断っていることを明確にしつつも、将来的なオプションを残すことが大切です。柔らかいニュアンスを保ちつつ、現在の誘いを断るバランスを取ることが重要です。

    最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございます。「Maybe some other time.」は、日常会話で大変便利なフレーズです。上手に使いこなして、英語でのコミュニケーションをよりスムーズにしましょう!以上が丁寧に断る!”Maybe some other time”の意味とその使い方でした。それではSee you around!

  4. The phrase "some other time" is correct and usable in written English. You can use this phrase when you want to suggest that something will take place in the future, but not in the immediate future. For example: "I'm sorry, I can't make it to your party tonight, but I'll try and come some other time.". IDIOM.

  5. Nov 6, 2015 · As a native speaker I would use a sentence like: "I would like to continue speaking about this presentation, but I have a lot of studying to do. Maybe another time" or "I would like to keep going with this presentation, but I have a lot of studying to do. Maybe some other time".

  6. What does the saying 'Some other time' mean? Idiom: Some other time. Meaning: If somebody says they'll do something some other time, they mean at some indefinite time in the future, possibly never, but they certainly don't want to feel obliged to fix a specific time or date.