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  1. The House of Windischgrätz , also spelled Windischgraetz, is a Slovenian-Austrian aristocratic family, descending from Windischgrätz in Lower Styria (present-day Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia ).

  2. Windisch-Graetz (auch Windisch-Grätz) ist der Name eines hochadeligen österreichischen Adelsgeschlechts, das urkundlich erstmals um 1220 erwähnt wurde. Seine Stammburg lag in Windischgrätz, dem heutigen Slovenj Gradec in Slowenien.

  3. Mariano Hugo, Prince of Windisch-Graetz (German: Mariano Hugo Fürst zu Windisch-Graetz, Italian: Principe Mariano Ugo di Windisch-Graetz; born 27 July 1955) is the current head of the Austrian House of Windisch-Graetz.

  4. Originally from Styria, the Windischgrätz dynasty had received Inkolat rights of nobility by the Bohemian Crown in 1574. Alfred was born in Brussels, then capital of the Austrian Netherlands, the son of Count Joseph Nicholas of Windischgrätz (1744–1802) and his second wife, Duchess Maria Leopoldine Franziska of Arenberg (1751-1812).

  5. The House of Windisch-Graetz, also spelled Windisch-Grätz, was a princely family in the Austrian Empire, serving the Habsburg dynasty. The name derives from the town of Windischgrätz in the Duchy of Styria, which is today Slovenj Gradec in the Carinthia region of Slovenia. According

  6. The House of Windischgrätz, also spelled Windischgraetz, is a Slovenian-Austrian aristocratic family, descending from Windischgrätz in Lower Styria. The noble dynasty serving the House of Habsburg achieved the rank of Freiherren in 1551, of Imperial Counts in 1682 and of Princes of the Holy Roman Empire in 1804. The family belongs to high nobility.

  7. Die Stadt Slovenj Gradec, deutsch Windischgrätz[Anm. 1] oder Windischgraz, ist eine Stadt in Slowenien. Sie liegt in der historischen Landschaft Spodnja Štajerska, wurde jedoch 2005 der statistischen Region Koroška zugeschlagen. Sie ist der Hauptort der Stadtgemeinde Slovenj Gradec.