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  1. Lucien Jean Baptiste Bersot, born on June 7, 1881, and executed the February 13, 1915 was a French soldier killed for refusing to wear trousers that had belonged to a dead person. His story was taken up by Alain Scoff and adapted for television by Yves Boisset.

  2. Lucien Jean Baptiste Bersot, né le 7 juin 1881 et mort exécuté le 13 février 1915, est un soldat français parmi ceux fusillés pour l'exemple pendant la Première Guerre mondiale pour avoir refusé de porter un pantalon ayant appartenu à un mort.

  3. Jan 29, 2015 · Lucien Bersot fut fusillé pour l'exemple en février 1915 pour avoir refusé de porter un pantalon souillé. L'un des 740 soldats français exécutés durant ces cinq années du conflit.

  4. Lucien Jean Baptiste Bersot, born on June 7, 1881, and executed the February 13, 1915 was a French soldier killed for refusing to wear trousers that had belonged to a dead person. His story was taken up by Alain Scoff and adapted for television by Yves Boisset.

  5. Lucien Bersot was born on the 7th June 1881 at Authoison (Haute-Saône). Having completed his military service (As all Frenchmen did on attaining 20 years of age) he found himself called up into the 60è RI an active front line unit (Reservists in time of war were also used to bolster the numbers in the parent unit).

  6. Lucien Bersot was a French soldier who was shot as an example during the First World War because he refused to wear a bloodied pants that belonged to a death comrade. He was born in a family of small farmers, who were settled in Besançon.

  7. Apr 11, 2024 · Qu’ils soient soldats de métier ou futurs appelés, le destin tragique de Lucien Bersot interpelle sur le droit de nos concitoyens à désobéir à des ordres absurdes.