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  1. Einars Repše (born 9 December 1961) is a Latvian physicist, financier and politician, chairman of the Association for Latvian Development. Biography. Einars Repše graduated from Latvia State University (now known as University of Latvia) in 1986 with a degree in physics (specialisation – radio electronics

  2. Einars Repše (dzimis 1961. gada 9. decembrī Jelgavā) ir latviešu fiziķis, finansists un politiķis, izveidojis partiju "Jaunais laiks" (šobrīd iekļāvusies partijā "Vienotība", izstājies 2013. gadā) un partiju "Latvijas attīstībai", kuras dibināšanas kongresā 2013. gada 15. decembrī ievēlēts par valdes priekšsēdētāju.

  3. Feb 26, 2024 · “Pirmām kārtām šobrīd ir pilnīga skaidrība, ka karš būs. Diemžēl arī Latvijā, izņemot, ja nenotiks brīnums. Ja nesakaus Putinu tūlīt kaujas laukā Ukrainā,” tādu pārliecību TV24 raidījumā “Nacionālo interešu klubs” pauda bijušais premjers Einars Repše.

  4. Einars Repse (born 9 December 1961 in Jelgava, Latvia) is a former Latvian central banker, government official, politician and chairman of the associations “Artificial Intelligence...

    • 365
    • Baltic International Bank AS
    • University of Latvia
    • Riga, Latvia
  5. The party was founded in 2013 by the former Prime Minister of Latvia Einars Repše. Internationally the party is a full member of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party, a grouping of centrist and liberal parties from across Europe, since April 2013.

  6. Bijušais premjers Einārs Repše pagaidām politikā neplāno atgriezties. Tas izriet no viņa sacītā intervijā Latvijas Radio.

  7. Einars Repše is a Latvian politician who was Prime Minister from November 2002 to March 2004. He was selected a Global Leader for Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum in 1993.