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  1. Sara: Created by Ruth Bennett, Gary David Goldberg. With Geena Davis, Alfre Woodard, Bill Maher, Mark Hudson. Workplace comedy centered around a young lawyer in San Francisco.

    • (81)
    • 1985-01-23
    • Comedy
    • 30
  2. Geena Davis 1985 sitcom, Sara. This is not my intellectual property and the rights belong to the show and producers, this video is not for monetization.

    • 23 min
    • 16.3K
    • The Retro Sitcom Network
  3. Sara is an American sitcom television series that aired on NBC from January 23 to May 8, 1985. Starring Geena Davis in the title role, the series features early performances from several actors who went on to greater acclaim, including Alfre Woodard, Bronson Pinchot and Bill Maher.

    Directed By
    Written By
    "David Returns"
    Ruth Bennett
    "Sara's Mom"
    "Dueling Lawyers"
    Will Mackenzie
    Michael Kagen
    "Helen Steps Out"
    John Pasquin
    Merrill Markoe
  4. Aug 27, 2022 · Living across the hall is newly-single Stuart (Mark Hudson) and his young son Jesse (Matthew Lawrence). Guest stars include Phil Hartman (27 Candles), David Rasche (David Returns), K Callan (Sara's Mom), and Jill Schoelen (Girls Just Wanna Have Fun).

    • 306 min
    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Trivia
    • Appearances
    • References

    Sara Myers is one of the residents trapped in the Town, along with her brother Nathan. Like her brother, she has adjusted to life in Town, working as a waitress in the Diner. However, she seems to be unusually connected to the mysteries Township, often receiving visions or experiencing hallucinations, which can have deadly consequences.


    Prior to her arrival in Town, Sara was living with an abusive boyfriend that Nathan rescued her from. They were on their way from New Hope, Pennsylvania, back to Boston when they became trapped in the Township.

    Season One

    As the Matthews family tries to get back to the highway, they get frustrated and frightened after the road keeps on returning them back to the center of Town. After trying multiple times to exit, Jim tries to ask a passing Sara for help but she ignores him. Sara finds her brother Nathan as he is heading to the Barn to feed the livestock, and the two observe the Matthews family struggle to return to the highway after the road keeps returning them to the center of Town. Sara mournfully remarks how the worst part is when they still expect to find the road that leads to home. Nathan asks if she is ok, and she answers that she is fine and that he is a good brother, but he should go because the animals aren't going to feed themselves. Nathan replies that it would be cool if they did, and promises to be back soon. After the Matthews' RV crashes with another car that got trapped in Town, Tobey McCray, the driver of the second car, is brought to the Clinic. When he wakes up, Sara gives him some water and tells him to rest. Sara observes Tobey as he wakes up again and asks if everyone is okay. Sara answers that she doesn’t think so and Tobey begins panicking. Sara shushes and kisses him, calming Tobey before telling him that it isn’t his fault before stabbing him in the neck, killing him. As the night goes on, Sara talks to herself near Tobey’s body, and declares that she doesn’t want to and can’t do it, before apologizing to Tobey’s body. Sara then leaves and returns home. While she showers, Nathan knocks on the door outside and says he’ll get dinner started. A tearful Sara exits and tells Nathan that she didn’t have a choice, and asks for his help. Sara reminds Nathan of the story about the little girl in the room filled with broken glass. The little girls knows the pieces used to mean or be something, but in trying to put the shards back together, they cut deep into her skin. Nathan begs her to tell him what she did, and Sara reveals that she left the Clinic door open, allowing the Creatures to enter and kill Gina and Bing-Qian Liu. The next morning, Sara arrives for work at the Diner and finds Tian-Chen and Kenny Liu arguing while they clean up a broken glass. Sara begins helping them, guiltily eying Tian-Chen as she does. During breakfast, Jade loudly makes an entrance and asks where the clues are. Jade rudely cuts the line and begins taking food, prompting Tian-Chen to hit him on the head with a whisk and yell at him in Cantonese. Outside, Sara meets Nathan who reminds her that she promised she would stay home. Sara says they would have wondered why she didn’t show up, and promises that she wants and needs to help. She tells her brother to get back to the Barn, and promises that it will be okay. The next day, Sara arrives and finds Tian-Chen crying, who quickly regains her composure upon seeing Sara. When Jim and Ethan Matthews arrive for breakfast, Sara introduces herself and says she’s glad they came because Mrs. Liu tries to make something special for newcomers, with Jim realizing that it was her husband that died in the Clinic the previous night. That evening, Boyd Stevens and the Matthews have dinner together. Sara brings over another plate of food and asks Ethan if he wants to help her bring over the rest. Ethan returns with a plate of sweet potatoes. As Sara observes them, she becomes agitated, and notices the words “KILL THE BOY” painfully appearing on her arm before vanishing, disturbing her. Sara then collapses and has a seizure, and Boyd rushes to help. At the Clinic, Kristi checks on her and says she should stay the night, and can have Nathan stay with her. Sara insists she is fine and it’s better not to trouble Nathan and to just tell him that she’s asleep. Kristi gives a report to Boyd, who tells Nathan she's resting and he can see her tomorrow. As the night begins, Sara walks around the Clinic, and ponders stealing a scalpel. When found by Kristi, she says she can’t sleep, and Kristi admits the same, and offers her some tea. While they drink, Sara says Kristi and Kenny make a cute couple. Kristi insists that they are just friends, and Sara asks why, pointing out that he is sweet and clearly loves her. Kristi explains that it’s complicated because she had a fiancee at home named Marielle, and often thinks about what it must be like for her. Sara admits that she was with someone back home, but it’s better that he’s gone. Things were not good for her but Nathan saved her. Now, Nathan is all she has in the world. Sara then asks Kristi that were there were something that would allow her to see Marielle again and for everyone to go home, even if it was something bad, if she would do it. After ensuring that they are speaking hypothetically, Kristi says she would do anything to see her again, and if everyone else got to go home, it’s a lot of good for one bad thing. As Sara leaves the next morning, she thanks Kristi, adding that she enjoyed their “girls night,” which Kristi says she’d love to repeat, medical emergency or not. Nathan then arrives, and the two walk away together. Nathan says they need to talk and Sara apologizes for worrying him. He says he just needs to know what happened, and she explains that she was standing one minute and on the floor the next, but does not remember anything else. An exasperated Nathan asks her why she’s acting like everything is okay, and she responds that she needs to get to the Diner before Mrs. Liu starts to worry. Sara promises that everything will be okay, and tells Nathan she loves him. Sara goes to the Matthews' house and asks for Ethan. After assuring his parents that she is okay, she takes Ethan up on his offer to see the playground outside his house with him, and joins him on the merry go round. Ethan asks Sara how long she has been in the Town, and she answers just a few months. Ethan tells her that his parents are trying to figure out where they are so they can all go home, which is what the Cromenockle would do. As they talk, Tabitha comes outside and tells Ethan not to make Tabitha sit on the dirty merry go round. Sara offers to show Ethan the goats and chickens at the Barn, explaining her brother cares for the livestock. Tabitha joins them, while Jim remains behind. At the Barn, Sara introduces Tabitha and Ethan to Alma the goat. Sara tells Tabitha that she has a very nice family, and that it’s ok to be sad and scared due to their circumstances. However, she adds that Tabitha will be surprised by how quickly it becomes normal. Tabitha replies that she doesn’t want this to become normal, but to go home. Sara agrees, but is thankful for the Talismans, mentioning that Father Khatri always mentions how much worse things were before they found them. Prior to the Talismans, the people used hiding places. Sara adds that it’s useful to know about them if she ever gets stuck outside after dark, and offers to show Tabitha one in the Barn. Sara leads Tabitha inside, and opens a door. As Tabitha walks towards it, Sara pushes her in and locks the door, apologizing as Tabitha pounds on the door and demands to be let out. Sara goes outside and approaches Ethan. She tells him that she really likes him but what is about to happen will save everyone, just like in one of his stories, and that he will be the hero. Noticing something is off, Ethan says he wants his mother as Sara grabs him. Nathan arrives and tells Sara to let Ethan go, but she tells him that this how they go home. Ethan is able to wriggle out of her grasp, and Nathan runs behind his sister and restrains her. As she tries to escape his hold on her, she accidentally slashes Nathan’s throat with the scalpel, causing her to begin weeping just as Khatri arrives. When the rest of the townspeople arrive, Khatri reports that she ran off into the woods. Boyd promises to Jim that if she returns, they will take care of it, and if not, it will have been taken care of for them. In truth, Khatri is keeping Sara tied up in the basement of the Church. Khatri asks Sara if she knew that there isn’t a single copy of the bible in Town. He admits that she is probably wondering why she isn’t in the Box given her crimes, but he reveals that Nathan told him about the voices. Khatri then removes Sara’s gag, and tells her that despite the awful things she’s done, he thinks she can still do something good. He tells Sara that people think the bible is a fixed object. Khatri asks how it can be completed when all the players are still on the stage. He then explains that the bible is composed of 73 books filled with tales of miracle and wonder, as well as darkness and gruesomeness. Khatri admits that since he arrived, he has pondered whether the people of the Town are living through the unwritten 74th book of the bible, and if they were chosen. Sara asks what they were chosen for, and Khatri admits he does not know, but it is why she needs to tell him about the voices she has been hearing. Sara explains that the voices told her they wanted to help and had been in Town for a long time, waiting for someone who could help them escape and return home. Khatri asks her why she would believe them, and Sara answers that they told her things that they could not know, such as the two cars arriving on the same day, which happened before causing everyone to die due to the actions of those cars’ passengers. The voices further told her that if she did as they bid, they would be safe and return home. Khatri asks her how they would return home, and Sara says she does not know. Khatri further asks if she still believes them. Sara answers that they told her Nathan would be ok, and begins sobbing. Khatri holds her and tells her that if the voices are real, it means that the Town is communicating with her in a way and she is uniquely connected to it, making extremely valuable. However, they need proof for Sheriff Boyd that the voices are not just the product of a troubled mind. Sara then cries out in pain and shouting “no” as Khatri helplessly looks on. Sara asks for a piece of paper, because the voices want her to show him something. Sara draws on a piece of paper, begging the voices to stop. When she is done, she hands him the drawing, explaining that they said when Khatri arrived, they watched him bury the bag, asking if he knows what it means, shocking the priest. After Father Khatri is killed by the Creatures, Boyd goes to the Church to find Sara. Boyd and Sara walk through the woods. Sara nervously asks where they are going and where Father Khatri is. Boyd tells her that the Creatures used to shriek all night until they found the Talismans, and then they began to whisper. Boyd asks if the voices told her that, and she says no. Sara refuses to go any further until Boyd talks to her, and Boyd is aghast that she thinks she can make demands after what she’s done. Sara repeats her request for Khatri’s whereabouts and Boyd reveals that he died, along with many others from Colony House. Sara asks if Ellis is ok, and Boyd tells her that he is fine, albeit scraped up. Sara begins to cry, and Boyd asks her if she cried for Bing-Qian. Sara asks if he thinks she is a monster and Boyd replies that he does not care, stating that the only reason she is alive is because Father Khatri thought she could help them get home. Boyd tells her that the second she proves Khatri wrong, he will kill her himself. They continue their trek through the woods and find an old wooden shack. Boyd tells Sara to stay in the shack while he wraps things up in Town before they leave to find a way home. Sara promises not to run, and that she wants to help. Before Boyd leaves, Ellis catches up to him at the shack to say goodbye and sees Sara. Ellis asks what she is doing and Boyd tries to explain that he needs her for his journey, offering to explain everything when he returns, asking Ellis to trust him and not reveal that Sara is with him. Ellis agrees, and tells Boyd to come back. The two say they love each other before Ellis leaves. Boyd and Sara prepare to head out. Before they do, Boyd handcuffs Sara, explaining that he can’t take any chances. The two then begin trekking deeper into the woods. As Boyd and Sara continue their trek through the woods, Sara asks him how he knows where to go, and he admits that he is simply following his best guess. They arrive at the Talisman Cave, and Boyd explains to Sara that it is where he found the Talismans. Boyd decides to set up camp for the night, but Sara points out that it isn’t dark yet. Boyd explains that the cave is the farthest he has ever gone into the forest, and does not want to go into uncharted territory with two hours before dark. Sara asks for the cuffs to be removed, saying she has to go to the bathroom, but Boyd refuses, and says that is why he cuffed her hands in the front. Boyd and Sara continue their journey, with Boyd marking trees so they can find their way back. Sara asks Boyd how he knows the forest won’t be like the Fallen Tree Road, and just loop back to Town. Boyd admits that he has no idea, but they will find out. Boyd asks Sara asks about the voices that told her to kill all those people so they could get home, and asks if she thinks they were lying. Sara says she doesn’t want to talk about it, making Boyd angry, and he says if they’re second-guessing each other, it seems fair to ask what they told her  that convinced her to try and kill Ethan. Sara answers that they told her that two cars were coming and if she did not follow their orders before trailing off. Boyd, now furious, shouts at her to answer the question and Sara shouts back that they told her Nathan and everyone else would die. Sara tearfully asks him why he didn’t put her in the Box, and Boyd says he doesn’t know before releasing her from the handcuffs. Boyd says he has seen the Town make good people do bad things, and they continue on their way. Boyd and Sara progress deeper into the forest. Sara remarks that it was nice that Ellis saw them off before they left. Sara begins to talk about Abby, but Boyd refuses. Sara continues to say that Boyd reminds her of Nathan because he always puts others needs before his own. Sara adds that she does not think he would like what they are doing because if they tried to leave or pushed too hard, then something would push back. They then hear clinking, and follow the noise to the Bottle Tree. Sara is surprised to see it, remembering that Boyd said that no one had made it out that far into the forest. As Boyd tries to knock a bottle down so he can see what’s inside, Sara becomes pained and begins screaming before beginning to seize as Boyd helplessly tries to tend to her. Sara wakes up, gasping for breath and finds that Boyd has set up camp for the night. She asks where they are, and Boyd assures her that they are safe. Boyd reveals that he was able to knock one of the bottles down, and the piece of paper simply said “1864.” Sara says they should go back, explaining that the voice she heard this time was a woman, who said that she was wrong, that there are worse things out there than the Creatures, and kept repeating “tell Mr. Fish and Loaves that I was wrong.” This frightens Boyd, and the two are further disturbed by rustling noises outside their tent. The tent then begins violently shaking. The tent continues shaking, but eventually stops. Boyd searches for the Talisman in a panic and rehangs it. Sara says they should not have come here. Boyd tells her they are ok, but she says she does not believe they are. They then hear a loud horn, and flashes of light begin illuminating the outside of the tent. Sara plays with a worm while Boyd gazes longingly at his boat key. Sara asks him if the animals know about the horrible things they are surrounded by, or do they just think they are where they are. Sara asks what he thinks dragged the tent and where he thinks they are, and Boyd does not have answers, but wants to find out. He exits the tent, and finds that they are surrounded by massive spiderwebs. Boyd and Sara wander through the web-covered forest in the direction of the light from the previous night. Sara asks if he thinks it’s a good idea, but Boyd brushes her off. Sara continues to question him, and Boyd says that their tent got dragged through the forest so they can’t go back, but the light from the previous night was powerful, and maybe help lies in its direction. Sara is more cautious, and says the voice that spoke to her was different, and asks who Mr. Fish and Loaves is. Boyd answers it was his nickname in the Army, and the only people in Town who knew it were his wife and Ellis. Boyd finds the idea that his deceased wife sent Sara a message preposterous. Sara counters that she was brought along to help and the voice told her that they should go back. Boyd then hears a woman’s voice calling for help, which Sara cannot hear. Boyd continues deeper into the forest, and finds Abby, trapped in a web, but the apparition grabs him and begins screaming. Boyd then gets covered by spiders, several of which bite him before Sara helps remove them. Sara asks what he saw, but Boyd does not answer. Boyd continues to press on, but Sara urges him to rest and talk to her. Boyd begins to panic about not being able to find their way out. Boyd begins to deteriorate, believing that there is no way out, that the place is feeding on their pain and collapses. Sara urges him to continue, reminding him that Ellis is waiting for him and offering to help Boyd. Sara helps him back onto his feet, and they notice an approaching storm. Sara tells Boyd that they need to find shelter. Boyd wants to continue, but is physically unable. Sara urges him to keep moving and they hear the horn again. Taking his bag, Sara tells him that they are heading in the right direction and are almost there as the rain begins to pour. They struggle to the top of the hill, and find that the source of the light and the noise is a large lighthouse. Boyd collapses from the pain and tells Sara to leave him, saying one of them has to make it back. Sara refuses to abandon Boyd. The Boy in White appears and tells her that Nathan was right and this place and that it is angry now. He tells them to get to safety, and directs her to a Farway Tree. Both climb in, and are transported to different places.

    Season Two

    Kenny Liu goes to the Church to see if Father Khatri left anything behind that he could use for a funeral service. However he hears clattering downstairs and heads down with weapon drawn, and finds Sara, who says hello. Kenny leaves and fetches Boyd, showing him that he has found Sara, surprising the Sheriff. Boyd tells Kenny to give them a minute to speak in private. After Kenny reluctantly leaves, Sara says she is glad Boyd is ok. Boyd asks Sara where she went, and she explains that she was transported by the tree back to the Church basement, and asks Boyd where he went. Boyd asks her how she knew what the tree was, and Sara tells him about the Boy in White, who told her both about the tree and that Nathan was right and that the place was now angry. Sara says the Boy is different than the other voices, that he wants to help but is unsure how. Boyd tells her that he is glad that she is back, but her being back will cause problems and they need to figure out how to handle it. Sara tells him he knows what he needs to do, and that he always knew it would end this way. Boyd says he will talk to Kenny, and as he leaves, she asks if he told Kenny about what happened at the Clinic. He answers no, and goes upstairs to Kenny. Later, Kenny asks about how Sara saved Boyd’s life. Sara says it’s hard to explain, and Kenny continues to ask about the voices she hears, which caused her to kill Nathan and almost kill Ethan. Kenny continues to ask how her first thought wasn’t that she was going crazy or that it was a bad idea. Sara says that he does not understand, and he asks her to help him do so, saying that he wants to believe Boyd and back him up, but people will freak out when they learn about her, which will undermine Boyd. Kenny continues to say that he thought of her as a friend, and his mother adores her, and asks again for her to convince him that she does not deserve the Box. Sara says she cannot, but that Boyd gave her a chance she did not deserve and she cannot undo what she has done. Kenny insists they can help, reminding her that the Town is hard on everyone. Sara asks him to stop, and says there is something she needs to tell him, and reveals that she caused Bing-Qian's death. The next morning, Boyd is awoken by knocking on the Church doors. Sara is also woken up, but Boyd tells her to stay out of sight. Boyd opens the door and Jim and Tabitha enter, demanding to know where Sara is. Boyd tries to mollify them but both are furious. Sara eventually emerges, and Tabitha forcefully tells her to stay away from her family. Boyd tries to reason with them but they both depart, leaving Boyd frustrated. Boyd leaves to tell Donna, wanting her to hear from him. Sara tells him that she should not be here and is not strong enough for this. Boyd tells her that he can’t help her with that and she needs to figure it out. Sara walks to her former house in Town and discreetly enters, only to find that new people have moved in. She finds a jacket that belonged to Nathan and holds hit. The new residents, Reggie and Paula, then confront her, demanding that she leave and give back the jacket. Sara begs them to let her look for her belongings, and they say that they put all of her stuff in storage at the Diner. Sara asks specifically about a ceramic ornament, but Reggie says it was creepy having her stuff here and it was creepy having her in the house now. Sara asks to keep the jacket, but Paula confiscates it and orders her to leave. Sara departs, returning to the Church. Sara stares at the Diner and watches Kenny leave before Jim and Ethan confront Sara. Ethan goes up to Sara and tells her that he thought they were friends but she is a monster, and that he is not afraid of her. The two then leave, and Sara sadly watches them walk away. Elgin walks into the Church only to find Sara sitting alone. Sara asks him if he was on the bus, and he answers yes before asking how long she has been in Town. Sara says she has been here a few months, but it feels like much longer. Elgin asks if she lives in Town, having not noticed her in Colony House. Sara says she lives in the Church now. Elgin remarks that he would have thought a priest lived in the Church, and Sara says that there used to be one. Elgin explains that he goes every Sunday with his grandmother, and Sara asks if he was on her way to see her. Elgin says he was, and accompanied her to church because it made her happy. He fondly recalls how they would sit outside afterwards crocheting owls, and how he would ask if they could make other things, but she would answer that she likes what she likes, and she likes owls. Elgin self deprecatingly says that she must think he is really cool. Sara admits that she was a dork as a child, and that she and her brother would collect ceramic Christmas ornaments from the dollar store in town which they would then paint when they got home. Sara recalls that Nathan’s were always better than hers, and that she had thought they were all gone, but that Nathan kept one with him. Elgin asks if her brother is with her, and she answers that he was. Elgin then asks what happened to the ornament, and Sara answers that she believes that the person who has it won’t want to return it. Elgin jokingly offers to provide some muscle for her, before asking why she doesn’t stay at Colony House instead of an old Church. Sara explains that she always liked the idea of being forgiven for whatever you did if you were truly sorry. Elgin says that always seemed like wishful thinking to him, and asks Sara if she’s done something that needs forgiving. Sara reveals that she killed her brother, and Elgin asks if it was an accident. Sara says he will find out everything soon, and he uncomfortably leaves. As he does, Sara says it was nice to meet him, and he hesitatingly returns the sentiment. While Tian-Chen washes dishes in the Diner, Sara approaches her, shocking her former boss. Sara apologizes and prepares to leave, but Tian-Chen tells her to stay. Tian-Chen says that she took Bing-Qian away from her, even after she took care of her, and put hate inside of her. Tian-Chen says she knows why Sara came, and says she will take her belongings and never return. Sara takes the box and as she leaves, is spotted by Kenny, who is enraged. Sara tries to explain but Kenny dumps her box on the ground. Sara scrambles for the ceramic ornament, which Kenny takes away and smashes on the ground. Kenny yells at her that he does not care what Boyd says or how special she thinks she is, if she goes near his mother again he will drag her to the Box himself. Sara picks up the shards of the ornament and Elgin helps her pick up her belongings before she runs off. She is later observed by Ethan Matthews as she walks sadly past on her way to the Church. Sara approaches Boyd in his office and says she wants to go back into the woods and continue to search for answers. Boyd does not think it wise, and Sara understands that he is needed in Town but she wants to help. At Boyd’s pressing, Sara reveals that she feels like an outcast in Town but going out into the forest is something helpful that she can do. Boyd says there is a difference between searching for answers and running away. Sara says she can’t sit and do nothing in the Church anymore, and Boyd offers to find a solution. Later, Jim and Randall go to the Church where they find Sara, and ask if they can talk to her. Jim asks how she arrived in Town, and Sara says she and Nathan were heading back to Boston. Randall asks where they were heading from, and Jim explains that they are trying to determine a pattern in how people arrive. Sara answers that she had been living in New Hope, Pennsylvania, but Nathan was helping her move back. They then ask about the day Nathan died, and Sara refuses to talk about it. Jim tries to sympathize with her, but Randall bluntly asks if Nathan is still alive. Donna then arrives, which Randall declares convenient. Donna asks Sara if she can stitch up some clothes from Colony House. Randall asks Donna if she thinks she’s a bigshot and calls her a tollbooth operator. Jim drags Randall out, and Donna asks Sara if she is ok. Sara asks why they asked about Nathan and think he is alive. After it is learned that dreams can harm people, everyone is ordered to stay the night with others to ensure no one falls asleep. Sara and Kenny Liu are put up in the Sheriff's Office. Sara thanks him for staying with her, even though he does not want to. Kenny gruffly replies that he is not doing it for her. Sara remarks that things now feel different and wrong, much like it did in the Forest. Sara asks him if Boyd ever told him what happened, and tells him that as they got further into the Forest, Boyd said it was like the place feeds on their pain, but she thinks it does more than that. Kenny is confused, and Sara reveals that Nathan used to be terrified of cicadas as a child because he thought they were monsters. Sara asks if the fears of the people that die in the Township become part of the Forest, and they are experiencing Nathan’s nightmare. As the night goes on, Sara points out her pin on the map. She mentions how Tian-Chen used to say she was grateful her family got trapped all together before apologizing for bringing it up. Sara then tries to apologize for causing Bing-Qian’s death. Kenny stops her, and Sara says she knows it is painful for Kenny and his mother to see her every day. Sara continues to say that she tried to convince Boyd to let her go back into the forest but Kenny stops her. Kenny tells her that he does not care about her or her pity party, and that she is a murderer  who deserves to go into the Box. Sara continues to try and apologize but Kenny tells her to shut up and stop talking about his father. Sara refuses, telling Kenny that he is not the only person who lost something as she has lost everything, including her sense of self, and that she is tired of being afraid and being Kenny’s monster. Kenny tells her that if she wants out, Boyd has an extra gun in his desk, and she can do what she wants before leaving the room. Kenny returns to find Sara with Boyd’s revolver. Kenny tells her to put away the gun, but Sara says everyone wants her to die anyway, and Kenny even wanted her to go in the Box. Kenny repeats his order, but Sara muses about how if she went in the Box, the burden would not be on Kenny to kill her. Therefore, they will pretend she is in the Box and let this place decide for him. Sara then loads two bullets, spins the cylinder and points it at Kenny, telling him that he does not get to decide. Sara then puts the gun to her head, cocks it and pulls the trigger. Kenny grabs the gun and asks what is wrong with her. Julie Matthews, Marielle and Randall all become comatose overnight. To try and save them, Boyd leads Sara and Kenny into the forest, and explains how the Boy in White led Sara to the Farway Tree that transported him to the Dungeon, and also appeared in Elgin’s dream who told him the nursery rhyme that Paula kept repeating before she died. Boyd asks for more information about the Boy in White, and all Sara can say is that he wanted to help. Boyd tells Sara that this is her chance to help the people of the Town escape. They then arrive at the ruins of the Dungeon, and Sara stops and says she can hear the music box, but Boyd and Kenny cannot see it. Sara promises that she can hear it and becomes disturbed, telling Boyd that she can hear Julie, Mari and Randall screaming in pain. Sara’s nose begins to bleed as she begins screaming too, repeating the nursery rhyme and telling them that “it” needs them to stay. Sara tells them that it is laughing at Boyd for bringing it to Town and seeing it free, it wants to hurt them and was so excited when it touched Kenny’s arm. Boyd asks how they can stop it, and Sara tells him that Julie and the others are dying, and when they do it will be too late. Sara tells him he needs to make the music stop, but does not know how as the pain overwhelms her. While Sara recovers at the Dungeon ruins, Kenny asks Boyd what their plan is. Boyd says they should go back to Town, explaining that there is nothing they can do at the moment. Kenny asks what they tell people, and Boyd says they need to assure them that they are working on it and try to make them feel safe. After the three return to Town, Sara asks if they have buried Paula and when Boyd realizes he forgot, she offers to take care of it, and tells him that he is doing the best he can. Eventually, Boyd is able to save everyone by destroying the music box in the Dungeon.

    •Missing since: 9/18/2021, Last seen: Traveling from New Hope, PA towards Boston, MA.

    Season One

    •Long Day's Journey Into Night •The Way Things Are Now •Choosing Day •A Rock and a Farway •Silhouettes •Book 74 •Broken Windows, Open Doors •Into The Woods •Oh, the Places We'll Go

    Season Two

    •Tether •This Way Gone •Lullaby •Forest for the Trees •Ball of Magic Fire •Once Upon a Time?


    2.Forest for the Trees

    3.Long Day's Journey Into Night

    4.The Way Things Are Now

    5.Choosing Day

    6.A Rock and a Farway

  5. Sara NBC Sitcom episode 1985 Geena Davis Bronson Pinchot Bill Maher from January 30, 1985 Season 1 Episode 2 entitled Sara's Mom.

    • 22 min
    • 23.8K
    • Rick A
  6. Details Episode 2 Aired Jan 30, 1985 Sara's Mom A newly minted attorney joins the legal aid clinic in San Francisco where her best friend works.