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  1. A specific BREF was developed for the monitoring of emissions to air and water from installations under the Industrial Emissions Directive, which is referred to as the 'ROM'. The table below presents in alphabetical order a list of all BREFs drawn up to date.

  2. Bref deploys PHP applications to AWS Lambda and sets up the rest of the infrastructure using serverless services. Simple. Instead of setting up and maintaining servers, define your application in a simple serverless.yml file.

  3. BREF by Darren Chin. "Bref" is French for "brief" or "short". Many chefs dream of opening their own restaurant. Opening DC Restaurant was that dream coming true for me. The heat, the long hours and never-ending pressure, working with my dedicated team and at the end of a long evening, seeing the looks of satisfaction on my customers' faces.

  4. Discover Bref WC product range of toilet cleaning products and get cleanliness and freshness in your toilet. Visit

  5. › reference › waste-incineration-0Waste Incineration | EU-BRITE

    This BREF covers the incineration or co-incineration of waste, including municipal waste, other non-hazardous waste, sewage sludge, hazardous waste and clinical waste. This BREF, besides traditional incineration processes, also describes pyrolysis and gasification processes.

  6. › reference › waste-treatment-0Waste Treatment | EU-BRITE

    This BREF covers the installations of a number of waste (hazardous and non-hazardous) treatments, and deals with: • common waste treatments such as the temporary storage of waste, blending and mixing, repackaging, waste reception, sampling, checking and analysis, waste transfer and handling installations, and waste transfer stations.

  7. A BREF – a Best Available Technique (BAT) Reference Document – is a publication resulting from a series of exchanges of information between a variety of stakeholders, including regulators, industry and environmental non-governmental organisations.