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  1. Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings 2023 / ODS 16: Paz, Justicia e Instituciones Sólidas. 1 ... Universidad Diego Portales 36 views 20240621 4:03 pm. Universidad Diego Portales. UDP Follow 17,998 19,402; ...

  2. Diego Portales University (Spanish: Universidad Diego Portales, UDP) is one of the first private universities founded in Chile and is named after the Chilean statesman Diego Portales. UDP has campuses in the Barrio Universitario de Santiago and Huechuraba.

  3. The mission of Diego Portales University (UDP) is to produce and attest the disciplinary and professional knowledge of the highest standards of quality. Relying on high-performing academic bodies closely connected to their community, UDP seeks to ensure full respect of the pluralism and critical autonomy of its members.

  4. May 5, 2014 · The site is located at the foot of San Cristobal hill, sloping and slightly raised above the Huechuraba valley. With the location of the new campus, the School seeks to build a strong link between...

  5. Founded in 1982, Diego Portales University is one of the first private institutions in Chile. It is amongst the country’s top universities in law, architecture, education, psychology and journalism.

  6. The mission of Diego Portales University (UDP) is to produce and attest the disciplinary and professional knowledge of the highest standards of quality. Relying on high-performing academic bodies closely connected to their community, UDP seeks to ensure full respect of the pluralism and critical autonomy of its members, and to promote:

  7. Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) is one of the oldest private universities in Chile. UDP currently has a staff of over 1,400 academics, 15,000 undergraduate and graduate students, and an infrastructure of more than 100,000 sq meters that houses its ten faculties and the central library.

  8. La Universidad Diego Portales imparte 39 carreras de pregrado en sus 10 Facultades, 35 de ellas en horario diurno, 4 en horario vespertino y para el proceso de Admisión 2023 contamos con las nuevas carreras de Administración Pública, Antropología, Bachillerato en Administración y Economía, Cine y Realización Audiovisual y la nueva ...

  9. Diego Portales University is located in downtown Santiago (Chiles capital). It is close to La Moneda Palace (seat of government), the subway network, and the heart of the city’s historic quarters.

  10. Diego Portales University is positioned as the fifth best university in Latin America, according to the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking for Emerging Economies 2021.