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  1. Located in the heart of Paris, PSL University brings together all areas of knowledge, innovation and creation. Discover its courses of excellence.

  2. Paris Sciences et Lettres University (PSL University or simply PSL) is a public research university and Grand établissement based in Paris, France. It was established in 2010 and formally created as a university in 2019. It is a collegiate university with 11 constituent schools, with the oldest founded in 1530.

  3. Située au cœur de Paris, lUniversité PSL fait dialoguer tous les domaines du savoir, de l’innovation et de la création. Découvrez ses formations d’excellence.

  4. By pursing a Master’s at PSL, you are opting for: internationally recognized, world-class diplomas to ensure a successful launch to your career. immersion in some of the most renowned research centers. special access to a vast network of companies as well as the alumni networks.

  5. Located in the heart of Paris, PSL inspires dialog among and between all areas of knowledge, innovation, and creativity. With 17,000 students and 2,900 researchers, it is a human-scale university. PSL includes 9 Component Schools and 2 Associate Members and works closely with 3 research entities.

  6. L’université Paris Sciences et Lettres (ou université PSL) est un établissement d'enseignement supérieur français bénéficiant du statut de « grand établissement » depuis 2022. Elle s'est constituée par l'intégration de onze institutions académiques et de recherche, avec le soutien de trois organismes de recherche.

  7. Located in the heart of Paris, PSL inspires dialog among and between all areas of knowledge, innovation, and creativity. With 17,000 students and 2,900 researchers, it is a human-scale university. PSL includes 9 Component Schools and 2 Associate Members and works closely with 3 research entities.

  8. From Bachelor to PhD, academic programs cover all the fields from sciences, human and social sciences, engineering and arts. PSL targets high-potential students, from every horizon, an accompagnies them towards excellence. Your education will be operated by ESPCI paris - PSL, and your degree delivered by PSL University.

  9. LUniversité PSL couvre tous les champs du savoir et de la création : sciences, sciences humaines et sociales, ingénierie, arts. Ses 140 laboratoires et 2900 chercheurs mènent une recherche disciplinaire de haut niveau, fondamentale ou appliquée, alimentant une forte interdisciplinarité.

  10. 巴黎文理研究大学法文Université PSL;英文:Paris Sciences & Lettres-PSL University,简称PSL),坐落于法兰西共和国首都巴黎,法国卓越大学计划高校,是一所享誉世界的研究型大学。PSL起源于1200年建立的巴黎大学,后于2010年重组整合。