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  1. The Crozer Theological Seminary was a Baptist seminary located in Upland, Pennsylvania, and founded in 1868. It was named after the wealthy industrialist, John Price Crozer .

  2. Learn about Martin Luther King's education and transformation at Crozer Theological Seminary, a nondenominational institution that influenced his social gospel and nonviolence views. Find out how he became class valedictorian and received the Pearl Plafker award in 1951.

  3. Learn how King developed his social and ethical views, his preaching style, and his rejection of communism while studying at Crozer in Pennsylvania. Read his letters, his reflections on philosophers and theologians, and his encounters with racism and segregation.

  4. During King’s second year at Crozer Theological Seminary, he took a two-term required course in systematic theology, Christian Theology for Today, with George W. Davis. 1 For the first assignment of the first term, Davis asked his students to use George Hedley’s The Symbol of the Faith, an examination of the Apostles’ Creed.

  5. Apr 13, 2018 · King’s three years at the Crozer Theological Seminary, south of Philadelphia, marked an important turning point in his life and are well worth the exclusive focus they get in this compact ...

  6. The Crozer Theological Seminary adopted a nondenominational approach to religious education, gaining reputation as a theologically liberal institution ("Crozer Theological Seminary"). It gained significance due to Martin Luther King attending and graduating as valedictorian of his class in 1951.

  7. Crozer Theological Seminary closed and merged with another Baptist Seminary in New York in the late 1960's. John P. Crozer had a very sensitive conscience about how to use his money. He gave liberally to his church, charitable institutions and causes in the area.