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  1. Apollo Korzeniowski (21 February 1820 – 23 May 1869) was a Polish poet, playwright, translator, clandestine political activist, and father of Polish-English novelist Joseph Conrad.

  2. Apollo Korzeniowski herbu Nałęcz (ur. 9 lutego? /21 lutego 1820 w Honoratce, zm. 23 maja 1869 w Krakowie) – polski pisarz, poeta i autor dramatów; ojciec Josepha Conrada.

  3. Conrad’s father, Apollo Nalęcz Korzeniowski, a poet and an ardent Polish patriot, was one of the organizers of the committee that went on in 1863 to direct the Polish insurrection against Russian rule.

  4. Apollo Nałęcz Korzeniowski (1820–1869), the father of Józef Teodor Konrad (Joseph Conrad), was born on his family’s estate in Ukraine and died in Kraków. He was a poet, playwright, translator and independence activist.

  5. In his translation Apollo Korzeniowski only changed the setting by adapting it to Polish geographical realities. This is a typical comedy with stock characters and elements of farce.

  6. Korzeniowski's desires for the peasantry stop far short of the demand for sweeping social change that would characterize a radical democrat in his time and place.

  7. APOLLO NAŁĘCZ-KORZENIOWSKI AS A PLAYWRIGHT Grzegorz Zych The Jagiellonian University, Cracow 1. THE PLAYWRIGHT’S REAPPRAISAL OF HIS TIMES IN THE PLAYS HE WROTE IN THE 1850’S Even those critics and literary historians who were Nałęcz-Korzeniowski’s con-temporaries often remarked on the unfriendly picture of the world that is painted in