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  1. Amir Tsarfati: MidEast Update Join us for a MidEast Update, broadcasting from our CONNECT Studios in Galilee, Israel. Amir will deliver crucial updates on the ongoing conflict in Israel and significant global events.

  2. Amir Tsarfati Hezbollah confirms the death of the commander of the Aziz unit, Muhammad Naama Nasser, known as Haj Abu Naama, in the Israeli attack near Tyre. The announcement calls him "the martyr commander", only the third to be awarded the title "commander" since the beginning of the fighting.

  3. Telegram is the one-stop shop for daily updates from Amir related to current events in the Middle East and what’s taking place around the world. Furthermore, the latest ministry announcements and updates can also be found on this platform.

  4. Amir Tsarfati. Less than a week ago on our latest weekly Public Reading of Scripture my late father in law, Hanan, read with us Psalm 116 in Hebrew. He emphasized verse 15: “ Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His saints.”.

  5. Amir Tsarfati. Ahead of my soon flight to Singapore, Vietnam, The Philippines and USA I am working hard on my new messages as well as writing new material for my upcoming books. I could appreciate you prayers as the enemy is restless in his attempts to stop me from traveling.

  6. Amir Tsarfati Reports in the Arab networks about a massive concentration of IDF armored and infantry forces on the Lebanese border. From the information coming out, it was reported about heavy armored columns making their way north on the roads.

  7. Amir Tsarfati Reports from a source in Iran ’s Navy that IRGC Navy Special Forces who have hijacked the "Asphalt Princess" commercial ship are now transporting it to the port of Jask in southeast of Iran .

  8. Sep 29, 2022 · Pastor Jack meets with Amir Tsarfati to discuss God's Word in light of world events.

  9. Amir Tsarfati Israel is getting ready for a possible preemptive strike on Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Israeli security cabinet met today and authorized the prime minister and defense minister to take all the necessary steps should a confrontation will be inevitable!

  10. Behold Israel is a non-profit organization led by native Israeli Amir Tsarfati. Our mission is to provide reliable and accurate reporting on developments in Israel and the region. Amir’s live updates and teachings, based on God’s Written Word, sift out the truth on current events amidst global media bias against Israel.