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  1. 前段时间在看Tom Stoppard创作的The Invention of Love,意外地发现电影《莎翁情史》(Shakespeare in Love)的编剧之一便是Tom Stoppard。 怀揣着一份好奇——对于“古典”了如指掌的剧作家要如何书写大名鼎鼎的莎士比亚(Shakespeare)的爱情故事,我在今天下午观摩了这部电影。

  2. Feb 24, 2020 · Love’s Labour Lost, by William Shakespeare, 1598. (Somebody’s now sure to ask me about flap-dragon. It was the name given to a game in which the players snatched raisins out of a dish of burning brandy and extinguished them in their mouths before eating them. By extension, it was the burning raisins used in the game.)

  3. “love all”意为敞开胸怀与所有人成为朋友,即使他们对你并不算好。 “trust a few”意为谨慎地相信他人,从而保护自己免遭伤害。 “Do wrong to none”意为不要对任何人刻薄,这样别人就没有理由说你的坏话。并且在保持不对他人刻薄可以使你交到更多的朋友。

  4. Dull sublunary lovers’ love (Whose soul is sense) cannot admit Absence, because it doth remove Those things which elemented it. 【John Donne 】was an English poet, scholar, soldier and secretary born into a Catholic family, a remnant of the Catholic Revival, who reluctantly became a cleric in the Church of England. —— More poems by John ...

  5. 这是一个知乎问答页面,有16个回答,分别介绍了不同的莎士比亚十四行诗的内容和感受。你可以看到一些经典的莎士比亚十四行诗,如《当我看到一切生长之物》、《我的心中的爱情》等,也可以了解一些莎士比亚的背景和创作情

  6. 怎么理解《楚门的世界》中「假如再也见不到你,祝你早安,午安,晚安」这句话? - 知乎

  7. 知乎用户分享了合肥市内和周边的各种景点,包括公园、博物馆、历史文化、自然风光等。从天鹅湖到巢湖姥山岛 ...

  8. 知乎热榜是知乎用户关注的最新最热的问题和回答,涵盖了社会、政治、经济、文化、娱乐等各个领域。你可以在这里看到最新的热点话题,参与讨论,分享你的观点和见解。

  9. History of heroic deeds of heroic love, but also condemned the consequences of such deeds. ——Jules-Verne,《Mysterious Island》 历史喜爱英勇豪迈的事迹,同时也谴责这种事迹所造成的后果。 ——凡尔纳《神秘岛》

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