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  1. The Bible’s answer. Sin is any action, feeling, or thought that goes against God’s standards. It includes breaking God’s laws by doing what is wrong, or unrighteous, in God’s sight. (1 John 3:4; 5: 17) The Bible also describes sins of omission —that is, failing to do what is right. — James 4: 17. In the Bible’s original languages ...

  2. Any bad action, feeling, or thought is a sin. That includes such things as uncontrolled anger, cursing at one’s mate or children, nurturing a wrong desire, or giving in to a selfish impulse.

  3. 展开全部. 定义. sin: 指在直角三角形中,∠α(非直角)的对边与斜边的比叫做∠α的正弦,记作sinα,正弦是勾与弦的比例。. 古代说的“勾三股四弦五”中的“弦”,就是直角三角形中的斜边。. 股就是人的大腿,古人称直角三角形中长的那个直角边为“股 ...

  4. The Bible’s answer. Although the Bible does not discuss gambling in detail, we can discern from Bible principles that God views gambling as a sin. — Ephesians 5: 17. a. Gambling is driven by greed, which God hates. (1 Corinthians 6: 9, 10; Ephesians 5: 3, 5) Gamblers hope to gain money through the losses of others, but the Bible condemns ...

  5. The Bible’s answer. It is not a sin to drink alcohol in moderation. The Bible describes wine as a gift from God that can make life more enjoyable. (Psalm 104:14, 15; Ecclesiastes 3: 13; 9:7) The Bible also acknowledges the medicinal value of wine. — 1 Timothy 5: 23. Jesus drank wine during his time on earth.

  6. The unforgivable sin refers to actions accompanied by an attitude that keeps a sinner from ever receiving God’s forgiveness. How could such a disposition develop? God forgives those who repent of their sins, follow his standards in their life, and exercise faith in Jesus Christ. (Acts 3: 19, 20) However, a person can become so set in ...

  7. The Bible’s answer. The Bible does not specifically describe a set of “seven deadly sins.”. However, it does teach that practicing serious sins will prevent a person from gaining salvation. For example, the Bible refers to such serious sins as sexual immorality, idolatry, spiritism, fits of anger, and drunkenness as “the works of the ...

  8. sin30°=1/2. sin45°=√2/2. sin60°=√3/2. 正弦(sine)在直角三角形中,任意一锐角∠A的对边与斜边的比叫做∠A的正弦,记作sinA(由英语sine一词简写得来)。

  9. Jan 1, 2011 · It suits him well to shift the blame for man’s sin to Jehovah. The quality of love is the strongest reason why Jehovah chose not to know in advance that Adam and Eve would sin. Love is God’s main attribute. “God is love,” says 1 John 4:8. Love is positive, not negative. It looks for the good in others.

  10. 也就是sin(arccosx)=√(1-x²)。 反余弦函数 为余弦函数y=cosx(x∈[0,π])的 反函数 ,记作y=arccosx或cosy=x(x∈[-1,1]).。 由 原函数 的图像和它的反函数的图像关于一三象限 角平分线 对称可知余弦函数的图像和反余弦函数的图像也关于一三象限角平分线对称。

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