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  1. Knowing” is that kind of movie, it goes from aliens to alien who are really angels, that’s where Christianity came from sort of deal. Besides that though, the script is weak, there are a lot of slow scenes, the acting is pretty bad (especially the little boy), the special effects were a failure and I just couldn’t take “Knowing” seriously.

  2. FILMMAKING QUALITY— disregard moral quality in this score. 1 = extremely poor for the film’s genre. 3 = average for the film’s genre. 5 = top of its genre, fully excellent. Consider technical & artistic quality—photography, script, lighting, directing, acting, music, effects, costumes, sets, stunts, and overall effectiveness at ...

  3. Feb 23, 2024 · “Ordinary Angels” begins slowly, heavy with exposition but ends up a heart-warming, even charming film with a satisfying final act. The movie’s positive messages amidst real life situations are a strong reminder that we are all called to ‘do unto others’ and in turn we will find we are doing God’s will. Recommended.

  4. I n one respect, it was too bad that the same time Johnny Cash produced this movie (he at that time in his life had professed a bold faith in the Lord) the Billy Graham team had come out with a more powerful presentation of the Life of Christ based on The Gospel of John.

  5. The main theme of this movie is; Christianity is closed-minded and boring—tolerance is the key to an enriched life. The beginning of this movie was fun until I realized that the poking fun is really directed toward the high moral standards of the 50’s and Christianity—especially at the traditional family. As a stay at home mom; I was ...

  6. Apr 7, 1996 · Positive —I came across this movie last year on TBN in Houston, TX. This by far is the best biblical movie out. It keeps to the Old Testament and has more biblical accounts from Exodus portrayed than that of the movies that are currently out. There is a scene from the movie where Jethro gives Moses counsel (which I don’t see in the Bible).

  7. This movie was initially going to be split into 2 parts: “Justice League Part One” and “Justice League Part Two,” with an alleged singular continuing story line. But by the time of filming the idea of the film being in two parts seemed to have quietly gone away, and it is now rumored to be two self-contained movies with two related but separate plots.

  8. Apr 26, 2024 · I went to the movie knowing nothing about the true story, which I think helped me enjoy it all the more, since I didn’t know the final outcome or the players. The showing was well attended and many sniffles were heard throughout the theater during certain moments of the story. The film is well done and moves at a good pace.

  9. There are also some very laugh out loud parts, which help to bring levity to the heavy parts of the story. This movie also unearths some tough and important points: our imperfect justice system, everyone deserves a defense, etc. That being said, I also have to say that we thought this movie could have been EASILY made to a PG-13 rating.

  10. Positive —I went in to this movie not knowing what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised to find an exciting Rapture movie. It’s a shame there were only about 15 people in the entire theater. This was not your typical 666 can’t buy or sell Rapture movie. Compared to the Nicholas Cage “Left Behind” movie, IMHO, this one was much better.