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  1. The self-taught chemist. Linus Pauling's lifelong fascination with chemistry was ignited during childhood by a friend's chemistry set. He was born on February 28, 1901, in Portland, Oregon, to a ...

  2. Linus Pauling's prediction of the α-helix, one of the greatest achievements in structural biology, was made by assuming (i) that the peptide bond is planar, (ii) that all amino acid residues are ...

  3. LINUS Pauling died on 19 August at his home in California at the age of 93. He was widely regarded as the greatest chemist of the twentieth century - such was the depth of his intuitive ...

  4. Pauling and colleagues published their results in a paper entitled "Sickle cell anemia: a molecular disease", as it was the first demonstration of "a change produced in a protein molecule by an ...

  5. By Prof. Linus Pauling. (The George Fisher Baker Non-resident Lectureship in Chemistry at Cornell University.) Pp. xiv+ 429. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press; London: Oxford University ...

  6. Dec 22, 2010 · Linus Pauling's The Nature of the Chemical Bond has, like Isaac Newton's Principia or Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, the kind of iconic status that, for some, removes any obligation to ...

  7. Jun 21, 2018 · In the fall of 1957, Linus Pauling paid an impromptu visit to Bryn Mawr College to hear my colleague Frank Mallory, a new faculty member and CalTech alumnus, speak 1.Pauling sat in the front row ...

  8. By Prof. A. A. nowlton. Sec. nd edition. Pp. xxi+623. (New York and London: McGraw-Hill Book Co. , Inc., 1935.) 2ls. net.THE author is to be congratulated on the production of an original and ...

  9. The molecular clock hypothesis was originally proposed by researchers Emile Zuckerkandl and Linus Pauling on the basis of empirical observations, but it soon received theoretical backing when ...

  10. Nature of Forces between Large Molecules of Biological Interest*. LINUS PAULING. Nature 161, 707–709 (1948) Cite this article. 4796 Accesses. 434 Citations. 6 Altmetric. Metrics.