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  1. Lianhe Zaobao is a Singapore news media with an eye on the Asia-Pacific region and the world. We strive to provide fair and balanced reporting, and in doing so draw extensively from international news sources and the first-hand reports of our correspondents and writers in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou/Shenzhen, Taipei, Hong Kong ...

  2. Lianhe Zaobao op-ed attributes raise in racism to "impact of foreign ideas", singles out Critical Race Theory, draws links between white privilege and chinese privilege, calls it "racist hatred of white people in Singaporean context"

  3. Zaobao is certainly correct that foreign ideas "may not always be applicable to Singapore", but then the onus is on them to argue why some specific foreign idea, in this case Critical Race Theory (CRT), is wrong--rather than assume it is wrong just because it is foreign. Secondly, Zaobao says that.

  4. Dec 11, 2022 · SINGAPORE - An outdoor carnival and concert, and a photo and comics exhibition are among several activities lined up by Lianhe Zaobao for the newspaper’s centennial celebrations. The flagship Chinese-language daily of SPH Media will turn 100 on Sept 6, 2023. The events aim to connect new and long-time readers.

  5. Aug 24, 2020 · Anyone who thinks that Lianhe Zaobao isn’t pro-china is kidding themselves. An entire section dedicated to “中国” in the LHZB paper that is usually questioning Taiwan’s quest for independence, pooping on Tsai, painting the HK protestors in a very negative light, and referring to any progressive social movements as “importing western values” and also racist as.

  6. Hi all, Always finding Singapore an interesting conglomeration of a country, I discovered the Singaporean Chinese-language newspaper, the LianHe ZaoBao.

  7. Aug 5, 2021 · Last year when there was a large covid-19 outbreak in the migrant worker dorms, Zaobao ran a noxious op-ed excoriating the culture and habits of the South Asian workers at the dorms, essentially blaming them for the outbreak (and by extension, for making Sg look bad).

  8. Zaobao may not be organisation that Uighur activists turn to to pass on leaked government records, but on things more related to the day to day lives of Chinese people and Chinese businesses, Zaobao has ironically greater media access and freedom to manuevre compared to both PRC newspapers (which are much more tightly controlled by the state) and western media (which suffer from the above ...

  9. Aug 5, 2023 · LTY's use of their defence to support his stance works only because most people didn't read both WaPo's article Zaobao's complete response to decide whether Zaobao was treated fairly. Providing balanced coverage does not mean reporting only based off state sources or pro-KMT news outlets as WaPo accuses Zaobao of doing.

  10. Mar 16, 2023 · Quite unbelievable that this Lianhe ZB soapboxer is openly dogwhistling (talk about an oxymoron) in front of a large and potentially gullible audience. He, in his own words, is alleging that a hypothetical English-language proficiency test could be a potential avenue for Filipinos and Indians to game the system.

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