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  1. Feb 16, 2015 · Users of WordReference Forums exchange opinions on how to say "do a Master's degree" in English. Some suggest "work on", "get", or "obtain" instead of "do".

  2. Jan 21, 2012 · A discussion thread about the correct usage of preposition in the expression "Master's Degree in ...". See different opinions and examples from native speakers of English and Spanish.

  3. Degree of Art( 缩写: B.A.) Master degree 硕士学位: 大致分以下几种 第一种: MA.Sc(master of science 科学硕士 ), 第二种: MA.Eng(master of engineering, 工程硕士),第三种, MBA ,工商管理硕士 Doctor degree 博士学位 (一般就是指一种即: Ph.D 哲学博士,包括工科,理科等)

  4. Mar 10, 2009 · A discussion thread about the usage of hold and have with a master degree in accounting. See different opinions and examples from native speakers and learners.

  5. Jan 15, 2019 · Learn how to use the correct grammar and word order to express holding a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in English. See examples, suggestions and explanations from native speakers and other users.

  6. Jul 10, 2007 · Hi everyone! Can we say "attend a master program"? As, if I am explaining my intention to study in a master program, Can I say "If I can attend your master program, I am sure I can obtain the capacity to...." Thanks for your kind attention!:)

  7. Apr 15, 2017 · I would like to ask you if this sentence is correct: "I have earned a Master's degree in Business Administration and Law from XYZ University". I want to use it in my cover letter and I will be very grateful if you could help me!

  8. Jan 15, 2015 · Although a student can graduate with a degree, and 'with' is an appropriate preposition, it's impossible to graduate with a master's. A master's is a postgraduate degree. You must have graduated before starting the master's course.

  9. Feb 18, 2014 · A discussion thread about the correct usage of master in or master of in different contexts. Learn the difference between master as a skill and master as a degree, and see examples and explanations from native speakers.

  10. Apr 2, 2014 · Learn the differences and preferences of using get, secure, obtain, earn or gain to express the desire to pursue a Master's Degree in Business in the USA. See examples and feedback from native speakers and other learners.

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