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  1. Japanese kanji are the same kanji and can be read in various ways. Do you ever know what to read as "Nani" or "Nan"?<br><br>In this column, I will teach you the rules for reading "Nani" and "Nan". Sometimes it may be different from the rules, but at that time, listen carefully to the Japanese way of speaking and remember it.

  2. 日文漢字是相同的漢字,可以以多種方式閱讀。你知道什麼讀作“Nani”或“Nan”嗎?<br><br>在本專欄中,我將教你閱讀“Nani”和“Nan”的規則。有時可能與規則不同,但那個時候,仔細聽日本人的說話方式並記住它。

  3. 日文汉字是相同的汉字,可以以多种方式阅读。你知道什么读作“Nani”或“Nan”吗?<br><br>在本专栏中,我将教你阅读“Nani”和“Nan”的规则。有时可能会与规则不同,但那个时候,请仔细听日本人的说话方式并记住它。

  4. Chữ kanji của Nhật Bản là những chữ kanji giống nhau và có thể được đọc theo nhiều cách khác nhau. Bạn có bao giờ biết những gì được đọc là "Nani" hoặc "Nan"?<br><br>Trong chuyên mục này, tôi sẽ dạy bạn quy tắc đọc "Nani" và "Nan". Đôi khi nó có thể khác với quy tắc, nhưng khi đó, hãy nghe kỹ cách nói của ...

  5. Les kanji japonais sont les mêmes kanji et peuvent être lus de différentes manières. Savez-vous jamais ce qu'il faut lire comme « Nani » ou « Nan » ?<br><br>Dans cette chronique, je vais vous apprendre les règles de lecture de "Nani" et "Nan". Parfois, cela peut être différent des règles, mais à ce moment-là, écoutez attentivement la façon de parler japonaise et souvenez-vous-en.

  6. Nov 1, 2022 · July 10, 2023. A former international student teaches EJU tips ① ~Goals and Study~ As a former international student who has taken the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU), this is a series that secretly conveys to you all the "tricks" that were very useful in the exam, which you can understand only by taking the exam!

  7. Feb 1, 2022 · Cultural differences between Tokyo and Osaka. Kanto and Kansai, which represent the east and west of Japan, are geographically separated by about 400km, but each has its own unique culture and atmosphere. In particular, Tokyo and Osaka, the centers of each region, reflect the diversity formed by geographical, historical, and economic factors.

  8. Apr 1, 2022 · 日本の漢字は、同じ漢字でいろいろな読み方があります。みなさんは「何」を「ナニ」と読むか「ナン」と読むか、わからない時がありませんか?<br> <br> このコラムでは「ナニ」と「ナン」の読み方のルールを教えます。ときどき、ルールと違うこともありますが、その時は日本人の話し方を ...

  9. Nov 4, 2020 · 来日したときの在留資格が「留学」であれば、日本で仕事をするためには許可が必要です。入国管理局から許可をもらった後も、いろいろなルールを知っておく必要があります。アルバイトできるのは1週間に28時間以内(学校の長期休暇中は1日8時間以内)で風俗営業以外の仕事をしなければ ...

  10. 找一所學校 參加升學說明會. [PR] “アクセス日本留学”是一個網站,為“所有想在日本學習的人”提供信息,例如日語教育機構,高等教育機構,公司等,包括打算在日本留學的外國學生。. 這是網站。. 專門學校,索取材料,申請提前參與升學指導,並找到在 ...

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