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  1. 7. "Monkey business" seems to be a widely used idiom. I looked it up on Wiktionary and I found two main possible meanings, one stressing the silliness of an activity: (US, slang) Wasting time, or effort, on some foolish project. / An activity that is considered silly, or stupid, or time-wasting. the other one questioning its morality:

  2. Sep 2, 2018 · noun 2. One who behaves in a way suggestive of a monkey, as a mischievous child or a mimic. American Heritage Dictionary. This mischief association is found in other dictionaries too. I tried to look up variations of "monkey up something" or "monkey something up", or "monkey it up" and all I found were results of this particular statement made ...

  3. Aug 4, 2015 · There's a much more ancient tale involving a monkey on somebody else's back, namely the fable by Aesop (who lived circa 620–564 BCE) that is known in English as The Monkey and the Dolphin. This version is translated by George Fyler Townsend: A Sailor, bound on a long voyage, took with him a Monkey to amuse him while on shipboard.

  4. 这——“看不见的大猩猩”实验是心理学上最著名的实验之一,验证了所谓的 “注意力错觉”:我们认为没有错过任何在视野范围之内发生的事情,但实际上我们只看到了自身所关注的部分 ——在这个实验里是接球次数,而我们没有关注的内容可能就像大猩猩 ...

  5. Jun 2, 2012 · Also: to fool or mess about or around; to tinker, tamper, or interfere (frequently with about with, around with, or with). As in: 1989 Your Business In financial terms there is no lower end; we can always monkey around with the shares. It is listed in dictionaries as either colloquial or idiomatic and not offensive.

  6. 非常有趣,语言诙谐风趣,又无比真实,干货满满。从投行Interview的详细过程到入职orientation的培训、party过程, 投行各级别员工的日常工作,包括IPO prospectus的drafting和写作套路,valuation的方法内幕还有关于traveling, printing, roadshow等等细节的描述,包括最后受够了IBD工作开始找猎头跳槽到hedge fund,到 ...

  7. Apr 26, 2019 · No, Discworld wasn't the first source to use "ook" for monkey sounds. It's not a source I would have expected at all, but "ook" is used in the 1976 scientific publication Communication Mechanisms and Social Integration in the Black Spider Monkey, Ateles fusciceps robustus, and Related Species:

  8. An experiment, The Monkey Business Illusion asked participants to count the number of catches by one group, while watching two groups passed the ball. A strange thing happened in the experiment. A student dressed as a gorilla walked to the middle of the field, patted his chest, then walked away.

  9. Jan 30, 2020 · In South African English, a sunshower is referred to as a "monkey's wedding", a loan translation of the Zulu umshado wezinkawu, a wedding for monkeys. (Wikipedia) There’s a well-known version in the American South, at least among older people: “The devil’s behind his kitchen door beating his wife with a frying pan”, usually shortened just to “ The devil’s beating his wife”.

  10. Nov 8, 2010 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.