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  1. www.ifeng.com凤凰网

    福州众志成城筑牢防汛屏障”. 延续历史文脉,赋能城市更新. 寻迹中国埃及留学生探索千年古运河 探寻中国智慧. 现场:王沪宁赴越南吊唁阮富仲逝世. 马来西亚前部长:“世界警察”的“双重标准”,世人都看在眼里. 亲眼所见的新疆与西方媒体报道中 ...

  2. An in-depth coverage of the latest social, economical, cultural and sports news from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China, Phoenix Evening Express is the flagship daily news report that also features headlines from around the world.

  3. Phoenix is dedicated to providing a wide variety of information and updated news to people all across China as well as all Chinese speaking communities around the world. Six times a day, Phoenix News Express delivers news highlight to viewers, keeping you posted and well informed.

  4. 24小時提供高質量的即時資訊新聞更有豐富優質的評論專題訪談人文歷史等鳳凰獨家節目以及全球一線重磅直播期待您的點讚評論與分享! 看鳳凰衛視,全球動態盡在掌握~

  5. PHOENIX TELEVISION began to broadcast on 31 March, 1996, with the philosophy of “reducing the distance within the global Chinese community and expressing the voice of Chinese to the world”, and striving to provide Chinese everywhere with high quality Mandarin Chinese television programming.

  6. Phoenix Chinese Channel, the flagship channel of Phoenix TV, offers Chinese viewers across the globe a full range of quality Mandarin-speaking programmes, including long-running favourites covering a broad spectrum of issues from current affairs, exclusive interviews, documentaries, financial analysis, social observations, to culture, fashion ...

  7. Phoenix Television is a majority state-owned television network that offers Mandarin and Cantonese -language channels that serve mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and other markets with substantial Chinese-language viewers. It is headquartered in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. It is also registered in Cayman Islands. [2]