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  1. From the one and only Miss Ponti to historic ghosts from WWII, here are the scariest Singapore ghosts you can spot right here on our little red dot. We’ve even kindly included tips on what to do in case you see them, because we’re all damn brave, right?

    • Pontianaks
    • The Restless Souls of The Massacred
    • Toyols
    • Hungry Ghosts
    • Banana Spirits
    • Possessed Statues
    • Ladies in White
    • Marble-Playing Children Spirits
    • Student Spirits and Ghosts
    • Spirits of Mental Patients

    You’re walking home and it’s midnight. It’s a beautiful night for a walk, with the moon illuminating your way and the sweet smell of flowers in the air. All of a sudden, you hear a child crying. It’s a keening sound, soft, but audible. The street light casts a sliver of light onto a young woman in a long white dress. You make your way towards her, ...

    Orders are barked out in a language you don’t understand, you’re acutely aware of the barrel of a gun pressing into your lower back, your stomach is screaming for sustenance, but you don’t feel anything. Just the heavy weight of resignation. One shot, you think, and it’ll all be over. Gunshots ring in the air as your body slumps forward. But it’s n...

    It’s taking over your life. You were supposed to control it, you were supposed to be its master. When did it become the other way around? Somehow, you’re caught in the Toyol’s grubby fingers and it won’t let you go. You regret it all. Maybe you were really down on your luck, but whatever possessed you to buy a toyol from -that- magician? And now yo...

    You’re starving. If only you had known that the afterlife was so unforgiving. You would have been much kinder during your time on earth. You’ve shrivelled up from hunger and neglect. Whatever family you’ve left behind seems to have forgotten you, left you to fend for yourself without hell money to live comfortably in the afterlife. Now you have no ...

    Legend tells of a man, unsatisfied with his lot in life and greedy for more. Like all desperate people, he turned to the spirits to change his luck. He learned a little here, a little there and learned about a spirit living in a banana tree. A needle. That’s what he would control her with. He pierced the tree with a needle tied to a long red thread...

    Source There are whispers that Haw Par Villa is haunted, whispers that you scoff at, because how can garishly painted sculptures ever be scary? Sure, there are the infamous Ten Courts of Hell, but each diorama looks more like a cheesy cartoon than a scene out of a horror movie. You’re not wrong – the sculptures on display are hardly haunted. But no...

    You’re a taxi driver. Your day passes uneventfully, but as the twilight hours descend upon the city, there’s an uncomfortable prickly feeling along your spine. You turn into Mount Pleasant Road, and is it just your imagination or do the trees seem more menacing than before? You turn the corner and there’s someone there, flagging you down. A custome...

    It’s late at night and you’re trying to sleep. You can’t sleep. It’s that dratted clanging sound from the ceiling. As if someone upstairs was dropping marbles on the floor. It’s probably the children, you think as you shake your head, the parents must be crazy, letting their children stay up so late. If you strain your ears, you can hear the faint ...

    We sit through days of lessons and lectures, looking out of the windows and wishing we were outside. When the bell rings, you eagerly run past the hallowed halls of learning and out to freedom. But there’s a reason why these halls are “hallowed” – some students never leave. Every school has a story. There’s a toilet cubicle in your school that’s al...

    The first thing you notice is the almost pungent scent of frangipani in the air. Then you hear the voices. They roam through the halls, murmuring, whispering their stories to anyone who listens. Stories of the demons in their heads, stories of how life was like in the past, when Woodbridge Hospital could no longer house them. They’re harmless. As y...

  2. Gather the gang and head out to these creepy haunts for some ghost spotting – if you dare.

    • ghost pictures sg1
    • ghost pictures sg2
    • ghost pictures sg3
    • ghost pictures sg4
    • ghost pictures sg5
    • What the duck? Army camps are a hotbed for ghostly activities; mine was no exception. One time, my friend and I were on guard duty for a night shift at 3am.
    • The haunting of a school. I participated in a Malay language appreciation camp during my secondary school days. Some campers and teachers spontaneously planned a night walk around the school.
    • At least it was hopping away. National service ghost stories can be a dime a dozen, but this one story of mine has always stuck with me. While on a routine night patrol around my camp, my buddy and I happened to see some movement in the distance, which was weird considering it was so late.
    • Eerie illnesses. My family takes regular walks in the park that’s nearby our flat. It was late at night, and I had wandered off somewhere in the park. My dad calls for me and shouts my full Chinese name, which I’ve learned is incredibly taboo to do at night.
    • Walk with Hantu: Changi. Everyone knows about Old Changi Hospital. But have you heard the ghostly stories that surround the estate? This walking tour starts from the ferry terminal and traverses through the streets of Changi Point, ending near the gates of the abandoned hospital.
    • Creepy Tales of Singapore Tour. This ghost tour picks you up in front of the gates of hell (Haw Par Villa itself) and takes you around four haunted spots in Singapore.
    • Singapore Famous Murder and Ghost Story Tour. You’ll find we have our fair share of grisly crimes and murders, despite us being known as one of the safest countries in the world.
    • Spooky Singapore: The Ghosts of Forbidden Hill Fort Canning. Keen to encounter the ghosts of forgotten Singapore? You’ve come to the right place. This tour is led by spiritual and heritage guides.
  3. ° The Spooky Tale Of The A3 ‘Ghost Crash’ And A Mysterious Discovery ° 4 Haunted Places Near Houston To Explore After Dark ° Liam Payne Convinced His House Is Haunted

  4. Oct 30, 2020 · If shows and movies are getting a little farfetched to be believable, then these real-life ghost stories experienced by Singaporeans ought to do the trick. Read more spooky stories below: Types of Singapore ghosts; Creepiest Tekong stories; Most haunted places in Singapore; Responses have been edited for clarity and brevity.