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  1. Quotes: Ninety percent of true love is acute, ear-burning embarrassment. - Wyrd Sisters. "And what would humans be without love?" "Rare," said Death. - Sourcery. A marriage is always made up of two people who are prepared to swear that only the other one snores. - The Fifth Elephant.

  2. 如何评价作家特里·普拉切特(Terry Pratchett)? 英国著名幻想小说家,特里·普拉切特(Terry Pratchett)3月12日于家中去世,享年66岁。 英国著名幻想小说家特里·普拉切特去世 银河系漫游…

  3. TheJackal Member. The Ultimate Guide To Terry Pratchett's Written Works: Total Known So Far: 270. A: The Discworld Novels: (41) 1. The Colour Of Magic (1983) (Note: Also released (A) in a Compact edition (1995); (B) as a Graphic Novel (1991 - see Section D); (C) in an Illustrated Anniversary edition (2008 - see Section D); (D) as an Illustrated ...

  4. Dec 6, 2007 · Some of the confusion perhaps arises from the fact that we don't usually associate gnomes with spirits, as in: ghosts. But I think Terry here simply means spirits (as in: souls) living underground, with the emphasis on the word 'underground'. You can find plenty of information about the books and all the puns and cultural references here : The ...

  5. Jan 5, 2009 · Dark Morris at 2011 Convention. Hello folks, my name is Tania M C Lewis and I am the Events Co-ordinator for Nullus Anxietas III The Australian Discworld Convention 2011. I will post more on that later. I am really, really keen to demonstrate the Dark Morris at the 2011 Convention.

  6. › topic › 20039102碟形世界 - 知乎

    《碟形世界》系列(Discworld)是英国著名奇幻小说畅销作家TerryPratchett创作的系列作品,已出版四十部,有《魔法的色彩》、《异光》、《平等权利》、《圣猪老爹》、《开始邮政》等,该系列作品想象力丰富,内容风趣幽默有内涵,深受读者喜爱,于2003年网络票选百大科幻作品时排名第九,有部分 ...

  7. 英国著名作家Terry Pratchett患上了阿兹海默症,逐渐丧失写作能力的人生对他来说毫无生存价值,于是他开始思考自愿选择结束生命的可能性,走访了曾经选择过或正在决定安乐死的几个对象并拍下了这部纪录片。片中你将亲眼目睹死亡。

  8. 本片根据特里·普拉切特(Terry Pratchett)2001年所写屡获殊荣的儿童书籍《神奇的莫里斯和他受过教育的啮齿动物》改编,由《怪物史莱克》的编剧特里·鲁西奥(Terry Rossio)担任编剧。

  9. Oct 30, 2020 · Terry Pratchett的Discworld. Dan Simmons的Hyperion Cantos. Frank Herbert的Dune. Arthur C. Clarke的Rama. Issac Asimov的Foundation. 发布于 2021-07-09 18:28. 钟天心. 嗯,基本上欧美的科幻都是全英文的。. 可以从星云奖、雨果奖等获奖名单入手。.

  10. 这个概念在特里·普拉切特(Terry Pratchett)的小说《看不见的学术》(Unseen Academicals)中占有突出地位。 鱼贩子懒得盖上螃蟹桶,因为“ 任何试图出去的东西都会被拉回来 ”。