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  1. creative的同義字@avocadooooooo "creative" is more associated with art and ideas. "inventive" is more associated with physical creations, problem solving and procedures. they can both be used the same way in most cases. "inventive" emphasizes newness of something, creative emphasizes imagination. for example, take a novelist (someone who writes stories). I would call them "creative" if they ...

  2. creative@avocadooooooo "creative" is more associated with art and ideas. "inventive" is more associated with physical creations, problem solving and procedures. they can both be used the same way in most cases. "inventive" emphasizes newness of something, creative emphasizes imagination. for example, take a novelist (someone who writes stories). I would call them "creative" if they write a ...

  3. Đồng nghĩa với creative They are similar adjectives that can be used together, but creative is more of a vague word whereas inventive is more specific. Inventive would be used when you are creating or making something that is unique (Ex. I created a new type of computer design, thus, I am inventive. OR Thomas is inventive because he invented the light bulb) Creative is a very general ...

  4. 【ネイティブ回答】「innovative」と「inventive」はどう違うの?質問に2件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"英語(アメリカ)"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問できます。

  5. innovativeThey are both very similar in meaning (almost identical) but innovative is more common and usually used to describe an object or idea rather than a person. For example, "The creation of USB was innovative" is more common than saying 'inventive' but you could say "Elon Musk is extremely inventive". You can use both in either situation ...

  6. 按类型列出的新问题. creativecreative ... he is a creative writer/ artist. Inventive is related with mentality. His inventive nature has given him a boost in career. Innovation is noun. New innovations at the beginning of the 18 century gave a filip to the industrial revolution Imaginative is related with imagination. It is a quality.

  7. Apr 1, 2020 · Synonym for innovative They are both very similar in meaning (almost identical) but innovative is more common and usually used to describe an object or idea rather than a person. For example, "The creation of USB was innovative" is more common than saying 'inventive' but you could say "Elon Musk is extremely inventive". You can use both in either situation but the example sentences are more ...

  8. Jan 28, 2023 · Definition of La kiffance Slang: Kiffer: to like, to love, to get pleasure Kiffance is a joyful and very inventive substantive for having a great pleasure :) English (US) French (France) German Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Russian Simplified Chinese (China) Spanish (Mexico) Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) Turkish Vietnamese

  9. impetusBoth words mean the same thing and can sometimes be switched with one another! Incentive is something that motivates/influences an action. More widely used in general talk and Business. e.g. An increased salary is an incentive to work harder and staying healthy is an incentive to work out. Impetus is something that encourages an action, but it also describes a force that moves something ...

  10. innovative的同義字They are both very similar in meaning (almost identical) but innovative is more common and usually used to describe an object or idea rather than a person. For example, "The creation of USB was innovative" is more common than saying 'inventive' but you could say "Elon Musk is extremely inventive". You can use both in either situation but the example sentences are more ...

  1. Searches related to inventive
