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猫山王集运为您提供国际物流转运集运、淘宝国际集运、免费代收、包裹仓储、多件集中打包转运等服务。国际空运海运, 多渠道选择。.
新用户微信扫码,免注册登录. 关于我们. 集运服务. 我要集运. 常见问题. 联系我们. 联系电话:19926694770. 传真号码:19926694770. 详细地址:广东省广州市白云区鹤龙街道鹤边员村北街东一巷4号猫山王仓库.
Address: Maoshanwang warehouse, 2nd floor, No. 8, industrial 2nd Road, Xingwei community, Fuyong street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen. Pay attention to us. Customer service WeChat.
2、重量计算方式:实际重量与体积重量相比,取较大者计算收取。. 体积重量计算方式为:长X宽X高÷6000=公斤 (长度单位为厘米)。. 例如:实际重量为5KG,尺寸为长45、宽35、高31厘米,即:体积重为:45X35X31÷6000=8.14KG,,计费重量就是8.5KG,小数点后面需要进位 ...
contact us; phone:19926694770; fax number:19926694770; detailed address:Maoshanwang warehouse, 2nd floor, No. 8, industrial 2nd Road, Xingwei community, Fuyong ...
Maoshan Wang Jiyun provides you with international logistics transportation, Taobao international transportation, free collection, package warehousing, and multiple centralized packaging and transportation services. International air and sea transportation, multi-channel selection.
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联系我们; 联系电话:19926694770; 传真号码:19926694770; 详细地址:广东省广州市白云区鹤龙街道鹤边员村北街东一巷4号猫山王仓库
Maoshan Wang Jiyun provides you with international logistics transportation, Taobao international transportation, free collection, package warehousing, and multiple centralized packaging and transportation services. International air and sea transportation, multi-channel selection.
猫山王集运,您的跨境物流专家!. 特色渠道:马来西亚空运、马来西亚海运;新加坡空运、新加坡海运;菲律宾空运、菲律宾海运;国际快递:日本、澳大利亚、香港等.