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  1. Jun 18, 2020 · Dropping the quotes and using em dashes (travessão) instead is a very common choice, and its usage is explained in guifa's answer. But it should be clear that that's actually a stylistic option and that both in pt-PT and pt-BR, direct speech can be indicated using quotes. Direct speech can be found indicated, among others, by:

  2. Dec 14, 2015 · Chain quotes («», are these really french quotes (aspas francesas) in Portuguese? Why?!); Dash (—, I believe this is called travessão, is there a difference between the en dash — and the em dash – in Portuguese?) Italicized words (italic)... From what I know, these are ways to refer to something that:

  3. By the way, since you mentioned quotes, it's worth saying that in (brazilian, afaik) Portuguese we also use the same quotation marks as English: either straight quotes " and ' or curly open “ ‘ and close ” ’ quotes, unlike French's Guillmet « ».

  4. Sep 17, 2015 · What would be a good way to express empathetic sorrow in Portuguese? For example, if my friend's puppy dies and it's not my fault I wouldn't say "Desculpe!" right? "Desculpar" would have a meaning

  5. Dec 14, 2015 · The em dash (but not the en dash) is also used to set off the sources of quotes: "Seven social sins: politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice." —Mahatma Gandhi

  6. Apr 19, 2021 · This other article explains it. It does not mention specifically the -son trend, but it quotes some examples of exceptionally weird names found across the country. Some people are calling for a stricter law that allows to change names that are embarrassing.

  7. Aug 31, 2018 · Two examples are from 1400s legal documents from the region of Lugo in Galicia (my boldface in all quotes): Feyto et outorgado […] enna çiudade de Lugo, martes, quatorse dias do mes de Setenbro, anno do nasçemëto do nosso Señor Jhesu Christo de mjll et quatroçëtos et quatorse annos. [1414]

  8. Dentre as duas frases abaixo, alguma é incorreta? "Amanhã começarei acordar cedo." "Amanhã começarei a acordar cedo." A mim ambas parecem corretas, mas sinto que a primeira te...

  9. Mar 14, 2022 · If you just want to check the pronunciation of a letter in a given word, it's simplest to look it up in a dictionary with audio and/or phonetic transcription (or even google "word Portuguese pronunciation" without quotes).

  10. Oct 11, 2015 · Here are some quotes: The origin of the word fixe is linked to the British tourists visiting the Algarve. The British tourism in Portugal has a long tradition (especially since the beginning of the 20th century) and one of the things that tourists loved was our cuisine, particularly the fish dishes (since "fish and chips" was barely the only fish dish they knew about).

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