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    The Super-Skrull (Kl'rt) is a character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, generally as an enemy of the Fantastic Four, whose collective powers he possesses.

  2. Jul 26, 2023 · On the orders of Emperor Dorrek VII, the Super-Skrull traveled to Earth and tried to claim it for the Skrull Empire to bait the Fantastic Four into fighting him. In the first of their many battles, the Super-Skrull overpowered and overwhelmed the FF with his wide range of abilities.

    • Tim Webber
    • Overview
    • History Early Life
    • AttributesPower Grid[148] Powers Skrull Shape-Shifting: Like other Skrulls, Kl'rt is a shape-shifter. Thus he has the ability to rearrange the molecules of his body at will into any form, shape or being perceived that he chooses. This allows him him to imitate the appearance of any of the four members of the Fantastic Four, as well as their powers.[2] Super-Skrull Engineering
    • Paraphernalia
    • Legacy
    • Legal Status
    • See Also
    • Links and References

    What better way to die than on your feet... With blood on your hands and fallen enemies underfoot? 

    —Kl'rt the Super-Skrull

    Early Life

    Kl'rt was a member of the Skrulls race. Years before he became the Super-Skrull, he was a decorated soldier in the Skrull army. This led a wealthy Skrullian countess from the planet Zaragz'na to be betrothed to him. He spawned two children, a son, Sarnogg, and a daughter, Jazinda. Kl'rt favored his son and despised his daughter. However, Kl'rt's duty and devotion as a soldier kept him away from his family, most notably when he fought in the Battle of Harkoon. However, after a string of defeats, the disgraced Kl'rt was turned away by his mate, banished from Z'aragz'na, and was no longer allowed to see his son. Over the years Kl'rt secretly kept tabs on his old life. When Jazinda grew to adulthood she sought to win her father's respect and joined the Skrull army herself. While on a mission to recover the Sy-Torak Gem from the Kree empire, she was caught in the act. She swallowed the gem and it permanently bonded to her body. Discovering that she could not die with the gem in her system, and that its removal would kill her, Jazinda went into hiding. This failed mission put shame upon Kl'rt's home and he vowed to one day find his daughter and kill her for the disgrace she put upon their family. Meanwhile, Sarnogg underwent his first hunt, an event which Kl'rt witnessed from a distance as he was not allowed to attend.

    The First Super-Skrull

    Under the rule of Emperor Dorrek VII, Kl'rt became the first Super-Skrull. He was endowed with the powers of the Fantastic Four and sent to Earth to conquer it after the Fantastic Four thwarted their previous invasion attempt. With powers that were stronger than his foes', the Super-Skrull was more than a match against the Fantastic Four. The team's leader, Mr. Fantastic, deduced that Kl'rt's powers were artificial and beamed to him from the Skrull throneworld, so he built a jamming device that cut off the Super-Skrull's power source. Powerless, Kl'rt was imprisoned inside a dormant volcano. Still seeking revenge against the Fantastic Four, Dorrek had his scientists boost the transmission signal, allowing the Super-Skrull to break free of the volcano months later. Under orders, Kl'rt took the place of Franklin Storm, father of the Fantastic Four's Invisible Girl and Human Torch. At the time, Franklin was serving time in prison for vehicular manslaughter. Posing as Franklin, the Super-Skrull broke out of jail and fashioned the identity of the "Invincible Man", using his "familial" connection to the Fantastic Four to force them to hold back while he committed a crime spree. However, noticing that their foe replicated all their powers, Reed correctly deduced that the Invincible Man was really the Super-Skrull in disguise. Reed then constructed a weapon and threatened to destroy the Skrull Throneworld unless Dorrek agreed to cease his hostilities. The Super-Skrull was teleported back to his homeworld and Franklin Storm was returned. However, the Skrulls planned a double-cross as they had planted a bomb on Franklin to destroy the Fantastic Four. Franklin instead sacrificed his life, shielding the FF from the blast, saving their lives and dying a hero. When Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Girl were to be married, their old foe Dr. Doom created an Emotion Changer device and used it to draw in an army of super-villains to attack the wedding. Among those who were drawn in for the attack was the Super-Skrull. Kl'rt failed to get close to the wedding as his ship was destroyed by the Asgardian thunder god Thor who then defeated him in hand-to-hand combat. Ultimately the Super-Skrull and the other villains were sent away by Mr. Fantastic who was given a Time Displacer device by the Watcher which shunted all their foes back in time to prior to the attack and with no memory of what happened. That Christmas Eve, the Super-Skrull made yet another attack on the Fantastic Four, this time while they were celebrating Christmas at their headquarters in the Baxter Building. Although details pertaining to this battle are minimal, Kl'rt was easily defeated and likely escaped. For his past failures the Super-Skrull was put on patrol duty. It was here that he was manipulated by the Asgardian trickster god Loki. Under Loki's influence, Kl'rt returned to Earth to attack Thor. Thor proved to be more than a match for the Super-Skrull, and using his enchanted hammer Mjolnir created "anti-force" rays to send him out of Earth's orbit, with a warning to stay away from Earth in the future.

    The Kree/Skrull War

    Soon the Skrulls' eternal enemies, the Kree, became interested in the planet Earth once again. Seeing that decorated Kree soldier Captain Mar-Vell was among those exploring the Earth, Emperor Dorrek sent the Super-Skrull back to Earth to learn what he could about the Kree activity there. Using a device to track Mar-Vell's uniform by its unique "radiation factor", the Super-Skrull came upon Jeremy Logan who rented a room to Mar-Vell in his human guise of Dr. Walter Lawson. Logan, suspecting that Lawson was some kind of spy who was attempting to bring a cylinder of his equipment to turn over to the military at Cape Canaveral, unaware that its internal security was set to explode. Kl'rt knocked out Mar-Vell and attempted to probe his mind and learned that a Kree Sentry was in the custody of the United States military. Disguising himself as Walter Lawson, the Super-Skrull took the cylinder and attempted to infiltrate the base, but Captain Marvel broke free and took back the cylinder. When Kl'rt attempted to use his Skrullian hypnotic abilities, Mar-Vell activated lenses on his helmet that reversed their power onto the Super-Skrull. Mar-Vell then ordered the Skrull to forget his mission and leave the Earth, ending his threat. After this most recent failure, the Super-Skrull sought to regain the favour of Emperor Dorrek when the Kree-Skrull War finally resumed all out warfare. To this end, Kl'rt revived three Skrull spies who were trapped in the form of Earth cows. He then had a fourth spy replace US politician H. Warren Craddock to spread xenophobic hysteria and start a government sanctioned witch hunt for aliens that were active in the United States. "Craddock" specifically incited hatred of Kl'rt's old foe Captain Marvel and his allies the Avengers who were "harbouring" him. When an angry mob formed outside of Avengers Mansion, the Super-Skrull posed as Mar-Vell's ally Carol Danvers and convinced him to follow "her" to "safety". After their departure, the Avengers were grilled by "Craddock" at the Commission for Alien Affairs. Back at Avengers Mansion the three Skrull spies posed as senior Avengers Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America, tricking the current roster and ordering them to disband. The disbanded Avengers then went looking for Mar-Vell, tracking him to a farm where "Carol Danvers" stated they were going to hide out. There they were attacked by the three spies, who took on the forms of Mr. Fantastic, the Human Torch, and the Thing. During the battle the Vision was injured and escaped, but the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were captured. Meanwhile, Mar-Vell and "Carol" broke free from their bonds and "Danvers" tricked Mar-Vell into building an Omni-Wave Projector which Kl'rt plotted to use as a weapon against the Kree. Realizing this deception, Mar-Vell destroyed the Projector, but was too late to prevent the Super-Skrull from knocking him out, and fleeing the scene with Mar-Vell, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch as his prisoners. The Super-Skrull then attempted to attack the Great Refuge of the Inhumans, but found it too well protected. The Vision also had stowed away aboard his ship and attempted to attack, but fled when he realized he could not stop Kl'rt without harming his prisoners and opted for another means of saving them. Kl'rt then brought his prisoners back to the Skrull Throneworld hoping to use them to win favour back from Dorrek VII and hopefully win the hand of Princess Anelle in the process. Dorrek however was unimpressed with the Super-Skrull's arrival and sedated him and took the prisoners as his own. Dorrek also hoped to force Mar-Vell to create an Omni-Wave Projector. Kl'rt was imprisoned and when Princess Anelle decided to betray her father by helping free Mar-Vell, the Super-Skrull -- loyal to the princess -- changed his shape into that of Mar-Vell in order to cover for them, giving them the time they needed to get away, which the Avengers won with the help of their ally Rick Jones who halted the Kree/Skrull War by utilizing the Destiny Force to immobilize both the Kree and Skrull armies.

    Powers Skrull Shape-Shifting: Like other Skrulls, Kl'rt is a shape-shifter. Thus he has the ability to rearrange the molecules of his body at will into any form, shape or being perceived that he chooses. This allows him him to imitate the appearance of any of the four members of the Fantastic Four, as well as their powers. Super-Skrull Engineering

    •Skrull Shape-Shifting: Like other Skrulls, Kl'rt is a shape-shifter. Thus he has the ability to rearrange the molecules of his body at will into any form, shape or being perceived that he chooses. This allows him him to imitate the appearance of any of the four members of the Fantastic Four, as well as their powers.


    •Skrull-Military Training: The Super-Skrull is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, having been extensively trained in the art of warfare by the Skrull military. •Aviation: Kl'rt is trained in the use of the advanced warp-drive starships of the Skrull-military. •Unarmed Combat: Kl'rt is trained in the unarmed combat of the Skrull-military, he is also quite experienced after his involvement in the Kree-Skrull War, fighting the Fantastic Four, and the Annihilation Wave. •Marksmanship: Kl'rt is trained in the use of the ranged energy-weaponry of the Skrull-military. •Creative Power-Use: The Super-Skrull is more creative in the use of his powers, when compared with the Fantastic Four (i.e. decapitation). •Leadership[101]: Whilst in the Negative Zone, Kl'rt was able to amass an army from the former prisoners of the UX-73 Prison Planetoid.


    •Physical Condition: The Super-Skrull, despite his power enhancement, is still subject to fatigue, disease and injury.[143] Former Weaknesses •Skrull Beam Dependence: Originally the Super Skrull needed the Skrullian powerbeam to access all of his powers but eventually he no longer required the transmission beam to maintain his powers.


    •Skrull-Military Uniform: The Super-Skrull's costume is a Skrull military uniform that provides him life support in space and alters as he changes shape and size.


    •Skrull-Military Weaponry: Kl'rt, will frequently use the ranged energy-weaponry of the Skrull-military.


    •Skrull-Military Transport: Kl'rt, will frequently use the advanced warp-drive starships of the Skrull-military.

    The Super-Skrull is both the most feared warrior of the Skrull Empire and an outcast of his race. Kl'rt himself is always loyal to the Skrulls. Many in the Skrull Empire considered him a relic from a bygone era, but there were those who consider him a hero.[144]

    Kl'rt was wanted by the Nova Corps for crimes against the peace, murder and alleged war crimes.[144]

    The quadrant of these crimes were in:

    •Andromeda Galaxy, Milky Way.[145]

    •The Greater Magellanic Cloud.[146]

    •151 appearance(s) of Kl'rt (Earth-616)

    •15 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Kl'rt (Earth-616)

    •40 minor appearance(s) of Kl'rt (Earth-616)

    •29 mention(s) of Kl'rt (Earth-616)

    •8 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Kl'rt (Earth-616)

    •1 invocation(s) of Kl'rt (Earth-616)


    1.Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #25 2.Fantastic Four #18 3.Captain Marvel (Vol. 4) #10 4.Power Man and Iron Fist #111 5.Young Avengers #11 6.Avengers #93 7.Fantastic Four #32 8.Namor, the Sub-Mariner #10 9.Young Avengers #12 10.Alpha Flight #9 11.Captain Marvel #3 12.Marvel Chillers #3 13.Fantastic Four (Vol. 3) #52 14.Nova (Vol. 4) #16 15.Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith #2 16.Young Avengers #9 17.Annihilation: Super-Skrull #1 18.She-Hulk (Vol. 2) #32 19.Empyre: Aftermath Avengers #1 20.She-Hulk (Vol. 2) #33 21.Annihilation: Super-Skrull #3 22.Fantastic Four #2 23.Fantastic Four #32. Fantastic Four #37 reveals that this bomb was planted by Warlord Morrat against Dorrek's orders. 24.Fantastic Four Annual #3 25.Marvel: Heroes & Legends #1 26.Marvel Comics Presents #18 27.Thor #142 28.This was due to the fact that the Fantastic Four accidentally awoke Kree Sentry #459 in Fantastic Four #64. This prompted the Kree to send a scouting mission in Marvel Super-Heroes #12 29.Captain Marvel #2 30.Avengers #93. These Skrulls were defeated by the Fantastic Four in Fantastic Four #2 31.Avengers #92 This fear was spread thanks to a publicised battle between the Avengers, Captain Marvel and the Kree led by Ronan the Accuser in Avengers #91 32.Avengers #92 33.Avengers #94 34.Avengers #95–97 35.Captain Marvel #26 36.Captain Marvel #25 37.Captain Marvel #27 38.Captain Marvel #28–33 39.Avengers #125 40.Marvel Chillers #5 41.Marvel Chillers #6 42.Marvel Chillers #7 43.Marvel Team-Up #61 44.Marvel Team-Up #60 45.Marvel Team-Up #62 46.Wolverine: First Class #19 and Wolverine: First Class #20. The events in Marvel Team-Up #2 were published in October 1977. Kl'rt was lost in Hyper-Space until Alpha Flight #9 in April 1984. While the story in Wolverine: First Class Vol 1 19 & 20 were published in 2008, the stories in that series take place around the time that Kitty Pryde joined the X-Men circa X-Men #139 which was published in November 1980. The Wolverine stories were also written around the time of the Secret Invasion event, and was written to include the long term Skrull plot to invade the Earth. At one point Captain Marvel was mistaken for Khn'nr, a Skrull spy who posed as Captain Marvel from Civil War: The Return #1 until his death in Secret Invasion #6. That all said, considering the long years of preparing for the Secret Invasion, it is likely that the Skrulls replaced Kl'rt with a successor while he was missing and presumed dead. 47.Fantastic Four #257 48.Alpha Flight #10 49.Namor, the Sub-Mariner #25 50.Power Man and Iron Fist #112 51.Power Man and Iron Fist #113 52.Power Man and Iron Fist #117–120 53.This was revealed in Namor, the Sub-Mariner #22, the switch took place behind the scenes during the events of Power Man and Iron Fist #119 54.Power Man and Iron Fist #125 55.Power Man and Iron Fist #121 56.Power Man and Iron Fist #125. However as revealed in Namor, the Sub-Mariner #22 Iron Fist was alive and well, all be it a prisoner of the H'ylthri. Captain Hero was of course Super-Skrull as revealed in Namor, the Sub-Mariner #25. Power Man was wanted for the murder of Iron Fist for a time, but his name was eventually cleared of all wrongdoing in Cage #11 57.Silver Surfer Annual #1 58.Avengers Annual #14 59.Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #6 60.Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #14 61.Silver Surfer Annual #1. The Surfer and Mantis formed a partnership and a relationship in Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #3 through 9 when she seemingly died. She however transferred her mind into a new plant body as revealed in a back-up story in Silver Surfer Annual Vol 1 1 62.Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #20 63.Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #25. Previously in Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #2 the Silver Surfer made a pact that he would not choose a side in the Kree/Skrull War provided neither side attacked Zenn-La 64.Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #26. It was revealed in Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #6 that Nenora was a Skrull spy that was trapped in Kree form after the Hyper Wave Bomb that went off in Avengers Annual #14. She decided to change her allegiances and took over the Kree empire after the Supreme Intelligence was driven insane Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #8 65.Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #28 66.Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #27 67.Incredible Hulk #375 68.Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #31 69.Fantastic Four Annual #24 70.Incredible Hulk #374 71.Namor, the Sub-Mariner #15 72.Namor, the Sub-Mariner #18. Meachum was arrested and imprisoned after the events of Power Man and Iron Fist #100 73.Namor, the Sub-Mariner #18 74.Namor, the Sub-Mariner #8. As stated previously, Misty and her friends were unaware that Iron Fist was actually still alive and that Master Khan was secretly posing as Tyrone King, as revealed in Namor, the Sub-Mariner #25 75.Namor, the Sub-Mariner #14 76.Namor, the Sub-Mariner #16 77.Namor, the Sub-Mariner #17 78.Avengers: West Coast #82 79.Quasar #34 80.Tales of the Marvels: Blockbuster #1 81.Wonder Man (Vol. 2) #9 82.Avengers #347. For more details see the entry on Operation Galactic Storm 83.Mighty Thor #465 84.Infinity Crusade #6 85.Secret Defenders #12 86.Secret Defenders #13 87.Secret Defenders #14 88.Fantastic Four #400 89.Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #105 90.Captain Marvel (Vol. 4) #8 91.Captain Marvel (Vol. 4) #9 92.Fantastic Four (Vol. 3) #37 93.Fantastic Four: Foes #3 94.Fantastic Four: Foes #1 95.Fantastic Four: Foes #4 96.Fantastic Four: Foes #5 97.Fantastic Four: Foes #6 98.Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #11 99.Young Avengers #10 100.Annihilation: Prologue #1 101.Annihilation: Super-Skrull #2 102.Annihilation: Super-Skrull #4 103.Annihilation #2 104.Annihilation #3 105.Annihilation #5 106.Annihilation #6 107.Annihilation: Conquest Prologue #1. Kl'rt and Prax were revealed as part of the Select in Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith #2. Ultron was revealed as the leader of the Phalanx in Annihilation: Conquest #1 108.Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith #3 109.Annihilation: Conquest - Wraith #4 110.Annihilation: Conquest #1 111.Annihilation: Conquest #2 112.Annihilation: Conquest #3 113.Annihilation: Conquest #4 114.Annihilation: Conquest #6 115.Nova (Vol. 4) #17 116.Secret Invasion #8 117.She-Hulk Sensational #1 118.Thunderbolts #155 119.Thunderbolts #156 120.Avengers (Vol. 5) #18 121.Avengers (Vol. 5) #19 122.Infinity #3 123.Avengers Assemble (Vol. 2) #19 124.Avengers (Vol. 5) #20 125.Infinity #4 126.Avengers (Vol. 5) #21 127.Infinity #5 128.Avengers (Vol. 5) #22 129.Avengers (Vol. 5) #23 130.Infinity #6 131.Incredible Hulk #713 132.Infinity Countdown Prime #1 133.Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #3 134.Empyre #2 135.Empyre #3 136.Lords of Empyre: Emperor Hulkling #1 137.Empyre: Avengers #0 138.Empyre #1 139.Empyre #4 140.Empyre #5 141.Guardians of the Galaxy (Vol. 6) #12 142.Guardians of the Galaxy (Vol. 6) #13 143.Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #13 144.Annihilation: The Nova Corps Files #1 145.Due to his skirmishing with the Fantastic Four, and other conflicts on Earth. 146.Due to his involvement in the Kree-Skrull War. 147.All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #11 148.Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 11

  3. Fantastic Four #18. (June, 1963) The Super-Skrulls are the elite shock troops, infiltrators, and special operatives of the Skrull Empire. Super soldiers who have been given super powers, usually those of Earth's heroes but also that of other aliens (e.g. Shi'ar Imperial Guard or the Silver Surfer).

  4. When the Super-Skrull first confronted the Fantastic Four, he bested them with their own abilities until Mister Fantastic identified the power source beamed from the Skrulls home planet and created a jamming device, depriving the Super-Skrull of his powers.

  5. Super-Skrull is one of the deadliest enemies the Fantastic Four have ever faced. For this video, we'll be taking you through the fascinating origins of this ...

    • 9 min
    • 28.8K
  6. Apr 6, 2023 · Kl'rt — better known as the Super-Skrull — made his debut in the pages of "Fantastic Four" #18 all the way back in 1963. A member of the race of shape-shifting aliens called Skrulls, Kl'rt has...