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  1. The basic mechanism by which :set background works is actually pretty simple, and it is documented (although not particularly clearly) in :help 'background'. When 'background' is set Vim will adjust the default color groups for the new value. But the colors used for syntax highlighting will not change. g:colors_name.

  2. Vim sets 'background' to dark if the second value is 0-6 or 8.) This variable is automatically set by some shells, and it looks like Vim has been using it for background-detection since around 2011. More details on how Vim (and other apps) detect background colours can be found in the answers to this question on the Unix Stack Exchange .

  3. May 26, 2021 · One quick fix is to disable syntax highlighting. Sometimes the code syntax highlighting will cause the foreground text to be the same color as the vimdiff background color, making the text "invisible".:syntax off. If you want to automatically do this for vimdiff, then add this to the end of your ~/.vimrc: if &diff syntax off endif

  4. As I mentioned , during a some were about the theme background. It was using a 256-color of the right color when it couldn't use truecolor (like a GUI hexcode). We , restoring the terminal background color. Put this. let g:dracula_colorterm = 1. before colorscheme dracula to use your own terminal background.

  5. The solarized terminal-Vim colorscheme can work in one of two different ways. A 16-colour mode: Solarized only contains 16 colours, so in this mode you set your terminal to use the solarized colours as its 16 colours, and the Vim colorscheme just uses these. So for example, the Vim colorscheme will request terminal colour "1", and the terminal ...

  6. Nov 19, 2023 · AFAIR, neovim always sets "dark" by default. So you need to read any external os/app settings yourself. Needless to say, linux/macos/1001 various shells all can have very different apis. In my case, neovim is inheriting from the shell the right color theme. In my boot scripts it is always "dark" but once the editor is loaded, the same ...

  7. Apr 5, 2019 · For themes like One or PaperColor, there are dark and light versions. For dark or light theme, I usually add my own customizations like bracket color, comment color... etc. I tried to combine them so that everytime I set background=dark or light, with an if else statement. I tried the following but it doesn't work.

  8. The elflord colorscheme does set background=dark. Since it is sourced after your set bg=light it will override it. set t_Co=256 is pointless. It doesn't do anything in GVim and you should set your terminal emulator up properly instead. Also, elflord only uses basic ANSI colors in color terminals so it doesn't really matter if you force Vim to ...

  9. Apr 6, 2023 · I want to use a different color scheme for when it is dark or light. How would I go about implementing it? I don't know programming and this is my failed try. if vim.cmd("set background") == "background=light" then. vim.cmd("colorscheme modus-operandi") end. I think I need something like this, but in lua.

  10. Jan 13, 2020 · This should toggle transparency for both terminal vim and gVim: " This makes vim transparent in terminal by default. hi Normal ctermbg=NONE. let t:is_transparent = 0. function! Toggle_transparent() if t:is_transparent == 0. if has ('gui_running') " Sets gVim to transparent.