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Contract Adjustment of Construction Works for the Second Train Inspection Shop and Relevant Maintenance Shops at Zuoying Depot of Taiwan High Speed Rail.
Tickets are available to book 29 days up to 1 hour prior to scheduled time of departure. Furthermore, when the advance booking date falls on a Friday or Saturday, it will be extended to the Sunday after. If the period opens for booking adjusted due to force majeure, THSRC will make additional announcements.
騎乘自行車,沿著舊草嶺環狀線自行車道,途經馬崗漁村,寬闊的海蝕平台從浪花白沫中悄然浮現,礁岩上發現海女正靈巧穿梭於石縫與浪潮之間,展現畢生採集絕活。 轉進這座寧靜小村,一起來場潮間實習旅行。 來到百年溫泉鄉谷關,谷關七雄競爭高下的險要之地。 時光流轉,環境變動,溪流已無法遠眺,消失在群山之間。 在群山的更深處,有行車無法抵達的壯麗自然,以及必須用雙足行走才能看見的歷史。 TLife 10月號 | 千層山。 萬巒水 在水路裡哼唱. 先民靜靜地在推移的時光中,以水路為引,往層巒疊翠的群山方向逆勢奮勇前進,陸續覓得豐饒之地開展聚落,多元族群,人的,動植物的,也都透過水道遷徙,在流域中繁衍出浩瀚生機。
Click “ Train Numbers” for details about the train stops and each departure time. The time listed with the terminal station is showed as arrival time. The System only provides Timetable and Fare Inquiries. Passengers who want to book tickets should use THSR Online Booking System.
Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) is the high-speed railway network in Taiwan, which consists of a single line that runs approximately 350 km (217 mi) along the western coast of the island, from the capital Taipei in the north to the southern city of Kaohsiung.
本頁面僅提供高鐵時刻表查詢南下/北上班次、單程/來回參考票價,實際票價優惠折扣仍需以購票系統為主。 如欲訂位,請至台灣高鐵網路訂票系統進行線上訂位及付款。
Unlimited rides on Taiwan Railway Tze-Chiang Limited Express or trains at a lower price than Tze-Chiang Limited Express for 5 days and on Taiwan High Speed Rail trains for any two days within the designated five days.
The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSPR) connects major cities in western Taiwan between Taipei and Kaohsiung. Opened on January 5, 2007, the rail system has become an important part of Taiwan's transportation network.
Taiwan High Speed Rail has made Taiwan's public transport system more convenient, because it brings cities and towns closer. Today, passengers can even travel between Taipei and Kaohsiung in one day. Along the "Western Corridor" of Taiwan are 12 THSR stations: Nangang, Taipei, Banqiao, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin ...
4 days ago · The high speed rail runs down the west coast of Taiwan, from Taipei in the north to Kaohsiung in the south, in under 100 minutes. Trains generally run from 06:00 – 24:00 in intervals ranging from a few minutes to an hour (depending on the time of day).